大唐后妃传:珍珠传奇 I 书籍
经典好书《大唐后妃传:珍珠传奇 I》读书内容简介:奇。腾讯作家杯冠军作品,腾讯、晋江、天涯、红袖添香、四月天、新浪等百万点击,万千追捧!《后宫》之后,最令人期待的后宫传奇!她是大唐三百年历史隐秘而最富传奇的一页。她是一位皇帝的母亲,而据说,另一位皇帝,为她虚悬后位十七年,追寻千年以前灿若流星的步伐、...详情
I窃星 书籍
经典好书《I Am a Strange Loop》读书内容简介: long-awaited return to the themes of Godel, Escher, Bach - an original and controversial view of the nature of consciousness...详情
经典好书《L'Entretien infini》读书内容简介:rice Blanchot),法国著名作家、思想家,1907年生于索恩-卢瓦尔,2003年逝世于巴黎。布朗肖一生行事低调,中年后不接受采访与摄影,但他的作品和思想影响了整个法国当代思想界,对法国许多大知识分子和大作家如乔治‧巴塔耶、列维纳斯、萨特、福...详情
经典好书《Seeking Modernity in China's Name》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《The Investor's Guide to Active Asset Allocation》读书内容简介:o Active Asset Allocation offers you the background and analytical tools required to take full advantage of the opportunities...详情
经典好书《If on a Winter's Night a Traveller》读书内容简介:opens with a scene that's reassuringly commonplace: apparently. Indeed, it's taking place now. A reader goes into a bookshop ...详情
经典好书《I Will Teach You To Be Rich》读书内容简介:ion that's materially ambitious yet financially clueless comes I Will Teach You To Be Rich , Ramit Sethi's 6-week personal f...详情
经典好书《The Innovator's Dilemma》读书内容简介:cription In this revolutionary bestseller, Harvard professor Clayton M. Christensen says outstanding companies can do ...详情
经典好书《The Handmaid's Tale》读书内容简介:n the Republic of Gilead. She has only one function: to breed. If she deviates, she will, like dissenters, be hanged at the w...详情