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I Am a Strange Loop读书介绍

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书籍 436页 2020 Basic Books
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USD 18.99 2020-02-20 … 2020-06-27 … 15
Douglas R. Hofstadter      ISBN:9780465030798    原作名/别名:《》
I Am a Strange Loop摘要

Douglas R Hofstadter's long-awaited return to the themes of Godel, Escher, Bach - an original and controversial view of the nature of consciousness and identity.Can thought arise out of matter? Can self, a soul, a consciousness, an 'I' arise out of mere matter? If it cannot, then how can you or I be here?"I Am a Strange Loop" argues that the key to understanding selves and consciousness is the 'strange loop' - a special kind of abstract feedback loop inhabiting our brains. The most central and complex symbol in your brain or mine is the one called 'I'. The 'I' is the nexus in our brain, one of many symbols seeming to have free will and to have gained the paradoxical ability to push particles around, rather than the reverse.How can a mysterious abstraction be real - or is our 'I' merely a convenient fiction? Does an 'I' exert genuine power over the particles in our brain, or is it helplessly pushed around by the laws of physics?These are the mysteries tackled in "I Am a Strange Loop", Douglas R. Hofstadter's first book-length journey into philosophy since Godel, Escher, Bach. Compulsively readable and endlessly thought-provoking, this is the book Hofstadter's many readers have been waiting for.



Douglas Richard Hofstadter,1945—

又名侯道仁,美国当代著名学者、认知科学家。侯世达生于学术世家,其父罗伯特·霍夫施塔特(Robert Hofstadter)是1961年诺贝尔物理学奖得主。其父在斯坦福大学任教,侯世达在斯坦福大学长大,并于1965年毕业于该校数学系。1975年因发现了侯世达蝴蝶(Hofstadter butterfly.)取得俄勒冈大学物理学博士学位。1977 年加入美国印第安纳大学计算机科学系,80年代初他与辅导的研究生组成的“流动类比研究组”(Fluid Analogies Research Group, FARG) ,尝试为人类心智过程建模,开发有Jumbo、Seek-Whence、Copycat、Tabletop、Numbo、Metacat、Phaeaco、Letter Spirit、S...

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