经典好书《Peasant Nationalism and Communist Power》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《The Power Of Simplicity》读书内容简介:tices what he preaches' - "Publishers Weekly". 'Compelling' - "Booklist". It's high time for businesses to replace complexity...详情
经典好书《The 48 Laws of Power》读书内容简介:ess, and instructive, The 48 Laws of Power is the definitive manual for anyone interested in gaining, observing, or defending...详情
经典好书《Shifts of Power》读书内容简介:业,新墨西哥大学硕士、普林斯顿大学博士。先后在四川师范大学、四川大学、北京大学历史系任教,现任四川大学杰出教授。新书有《经典淡出之后:20世纪中国史学的转变与延续》(三联书店),另《道出于二:过渡时代的新旧之争》即将出版。作者简介</b...详情
经典好书《The Will to Power》读书内容简介:,尼采出生于普鲁士萨克森州勒肯镇附近洛肯村的一个乡村牧师家庭。尼采的生日恰好是当时的普鲁士国王弗里德里希?威廉四世的生辰。尼采的父亲是威廉四世的宫廷教师,他曾执教过四位公主,深得国王的信任,于是他获得恩准以国王的名字为儿子命名。后来,国王指派尼采的父...详情
经典好书《The Power of Pull》读书内容简介:h the past, information now flows like water, and we must learn how to tap into its stream. Individuals and companies can no ...详情
经典好书《Power And Prosperity》读书内容简介: 曼瑟・奥尔森(1932-1998):前马里兰大学著名教授,制度改革与非正式部门研究中心主任。他著作甚丰,其中《集体行动的逻辑》一书已被翻译成9种语言。作者简介详情
经典好书《The Rise of Chinese Military Power, 1895-1912》读书内容简介:e breakdown of the monarchic system and the success of the Chinese Revolution of 1911 was due largely to the growth of semi-p...详情
经典好书《Unix Power Tools, Third Edition》读书内容简介:n is his familiarity with his tools, the speed with which he can use them to solve simple problems, and his cleverness in usi...详情
经典好书《Sweetness and Power》读书内容简介:民地的甘蔗种植园,叙述了糖从一件奢侈品化身为工业化生产之商品的过程。作者将这一过程密切地与早期资本主义原始积累、奴隶化生产乃至国与国之间的政治经济关系联系在一起,将糖这一平常事物身后奇妙而非同寻常的历史格外深刻而不乏趣味地发掘出来。作者...详情