经典好书《Power, Sex, Suicide》读书内容简介:structures located inside our cells that carry out the essential task of producing energy for the cell. They are found in all...详情
经典好书《State Power in Ancient China and Rome》读书内容简介:, the Qin/Han and Roman empires were the largest political entities of the ancient world, developing simultaneously yet indep...详情
经典好书《Practicing the Power of Now (EasyRead Large Bold Edition)》读书内容简介:出生於德國,曾於英國劍橋大學接受教育,是當代最重要的心靈導師與作者之一。二十九歲那年經歷一場深切的內在轉變,徹底改變了他的生命軌道。接下來幾年,他放下了所有關係、工作、身分,專注於讓這份轉變更深化、更完整。之後,他開始在倫敦擔任個人與團體的心靈導師。...详情
经典好书《Revolutionary Legacy, Power Structure, and Grassroots Capitalism Under the Red Flag in China》读书内容简介:s in authoritarian regimes, even within the same country, engage in different levels of predatory behavior, whereby some fost...详情
经典好书《Power and Glory》读书内容简介:ion "Power and Glory: Court Arts of China's Ming Dynasty" opens at the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco on Friday, June 27, ...详情
经典好书《Language and Symbolic Power》读书内容简介:ether Bourdieu's highly original writings on language and on the relations between language, power and politics. Bourdieu dev...详情
经典好书《The Pursuit of Power》读书内容简介: 理查德·埃文斯,剑桥大学沃尔森学院院长、英国国家学术院院士,因对历史研究的贡献获封爵士。他的《第三帝国三部曲》是纳粹德国研究的高峰,他还著有《历史与记忆中的第三帝国》等20多部专著,作品被翻译成十几种文字。作者简介详情
经典好书《The Power of Gold》读书内容简介:story and contemporary investigation, Bernstein tells the story of how human beings have become intoxicated, obsessed, enrich...详情
经典好书《State Power and Social Forces》读书内容简介:e 1994 collection of high-quality, country-specific essays on Third World politics provides, through a variety of well-integr...详情
经典好书《The Sources of Social Power》读书内容简介:urces of power in human societies - ideological, economic, military and political - The Sources of Social Power traces their ...详情