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The Power Of Simplicity读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 224页 2020 McGraw-Hill
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USD 18.95 2020-02-20 … 2020-03-08 … 15
Jack Trout      ISBN:9780071373326    原作名/别名:《》
The Power Of Simplicity摘要

'Engaging...Trout practices what he preaches' - "Publishers Weekly". 'Compelling' - "Booklist". It's high time for businesses to replace complexity with common sense, argues corporate guru Jack Trout in this impassioned yet practical guide. The best-selling coauthor of the classic "Positioning" shows managers how to banish jargon, articulate their vision, simplify processes, and refocus on core issues - all without expensive consultants or money-wasting programs. "The Power of Simplicity" throws a life jacket of reality to readers drowning in management fads and wondering why their business isn't better. Trout and coauthor Steve Rivkin present guidelines for thinking in straightforward terms and cutting through ridiculous jargon. Marketing means turning simple ideas into strategy.Such concepts aren't too basic for Herb Kelleher of Southwest Airlines, Jack Welch of General Electric, and Andy Grove of Intel, to name a few successful CEOs who share their insights and war stories in these pages. Be a contrarian. Information? Too much can confuse you. Growth? It can hurt your business. It's time to look hard at knee-jerk assumptions and adjust your business practices accordingly. You'll examine how GM, Gillette, Volvo, Apple, and Xerox have either done so and been better for it or ignored these truths at their peril. Respect your people. Business ultimately lives or dies by people, not money. Trout's four chapters on "People Issues" are worth a library full of human resource tracts.












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