经典好书《General Relativity for Mathematicians》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Les secrets de la forêt》读书内容简介:组毕业,曾在广告公司担任美术指导12年。畿米住在台北,在家工作,为报纸、杂志、各种出版品提供图画,目前全心投入自己喜欢的绘本创作。1998年开始绘本创作,1999年以《向左走·向右走》一举成名,掀起港台绘本热潮。目前有多本广受欢迎的作品...详情
经典好书《The Quest for Consciousness》读书内容简介:)为美国加州理工学院认知和行为生物学教授,从事计算生物物理以及视知觉、注意和意识的神经基础研究。他是DNA双螺旋结构发现者之一和1962年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖得主弗朗西斯·克里克(F.Crick)的主要合作者,共同开拓了对意识的科学研究。<b...详情
经典好书《Simple and Usable Strategies for Interaction Design》读书内容简介:oducts that are easy to use win favor with consumers. This is the first book on the topic of simplicity aimed specifically at...详情
经典好书《For One More Day》读书内容简介:p>This is the story of a man named Charley who loses his job, leaves his family, and decides, one night, to end his life. Som...详情
经典好书《Web Scalability for Startup Engineers》读书内容简介:ble web applications quicklyThis is an invaluable roadmap for meeting the rapid demand to deliver scalable application...详情
经典好书《Flag Worth Dying for》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Time Enough for Love》读书内容简介:is the capstone and crowning achievement of Heinlein's famous Future History series. Lazarus Long is so in love with l...详情
经典好书《Strategic Thinking for the Next Economy》读书内容简介: Sloan Management Review comes this compendium of cutting-edge thinking about corporate strategy. Focusing on strategic imper...详情
经典好书《Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences》读书内容简介:g introduction to statistics for students in the behavioral and social sciences, this text continues to offer straightforward...详情