Simple and Usable Strategies for Interaction Design 新书_图书内容介绍_剧情呢
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Simple and Usable Strategies for Interaction Design读书介绍

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书籍 208页 8.3 2020 New Riders Press
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$29.99 2020-02-20 … 2020-03-10 … 34
[英]Giles Colborne      ISBN:9780321703545    原作名/别名:《》
Simple and Usable Strategies for Interaction Design摘要

In a complex world, products that are easy to use win favor with consumers. This is the first book on the topic of simplicity aimed specifically at interaction designers. It shows how to drill down and simplify user experiences when designing digital tools and applications. It begins by explaining why simplicity is attractive, explores the laws of simplicity, and presents proven strategies for achieving simplicity. Remove, hide, organize and displace become guidelines for designers, who learn simplicity by seeing before and after examples and case studies where the results speak for themselves.

From the Back Cover


Giles Colborne has been designing interactive user experiences since the early 1990s and it’s about time he did something useful like writing a book.

When he’s not doing that he he’s busy with cxpartners, a design consultancy based in Bristol and London that specialises in web and mobile user interface design for companies such as Marriott, Nokia and eBay. Giles and Richard Cad...

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