经典好书《Python for Finance》读书内容简介:ants(德国)股份有限公司的创始人和任事股东,也是Python Quants(纽约)有限责任公司的共同创办人。该集团提供基于Python的金融和衍生品分析软件(参见http://pythonquants.com,http://quant-platf...详情
经典好书《Practical Statistics for Data Scientists》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Architecting for Scale: High Availability for Your Growing Applications》读书内容简介:truggle to scale critical applications. As traffic volume and data demands increase, these applications become more complicat...详情
经典好书《UML for Java¿ Programmers》读书内容简介:anguage has become the industry standard for the expression of software designs. The Java programming language continues to g...详情
经典好书《Feature Engineering for Machine Learning Models》读书内容简介:用域知识来加强你的预测模型既困难成本又高。为了弥补特征工程现有资料的不足,本书将会为初中级数据科学家讲解如何处理这项广泛应用却鲜见讨论的技术。作者Alic Zheng会讲解常用的练习和数学原理,以帮助工程师分析新数据和任务的特征。如果你...详情
经典好书《R for Data Science》读书内容简介:ssistant Professor and the Dobelman FamilyJunior Chair in Statistics at Rice University. He is an active memberof the R commu...详情
经典好书《Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics》读书内容简介:stics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics is now in its Fifth Edition. Continuing its hallmark use of humor and commo...详情
经典好书《Voting for Autocracy》读书内容简介:s a theory of the logic of survival of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), one of the most resilient autocratic regi...详情
经典好书《Theory of Fun for Game Design》读书内容简介:在线娱乐公司首席创意官。曾担纲著名多人在线游戏《网络创世纪》和《网络创世纪:次世代》的主创意师和主设计师,并在《星球大战网络版》中担任创意总监,被游戏业公认为当今最富思想性的设计大师。
经典好书《Oxford Collocations Dictionary for students of English》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情