经典好书《The Day I Swapped My Dad for Two Goldfish》读书内容简介:>生於英國,世界奇幻獎、星雲獎得主。蓋曼可說是當代奇才,作品涵括奇幻科幻小說、兒童小說、漫畫、報紙專欄、歌詞創作,亦參與電影劇本編寫。在他筆下所構築出的幻想世界,以及一個接著一個融合不同元素的奇妙故事,在在令人流連忘返。大衛.麥金...详情
经典好书《Cathay, For the Most Part from the Chinese of Rihaku》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Wired for Story》读书内容简介: writers can utilize cognitive storytelling strategies to craft stories that ignite readers’brains and captivate them through...详情
经典好书《Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences》读书内容简介:oductory statistics text is designed for courses in psychological and educational statistics and is written in an intuitive,...详情
经典好书《Justice for Hedgehogs》读书内容简介:ngs, the Greeks said, but the hedgehog knows one big thing. In his most comprehensive work, Ronald Dworkin argues that value ...详情
经典好书《Lighting for Interior Design》读书内容简介:r architecture cannot be fully experienced. However, light can influence much more than our visual experience. Part One, Theo...详情
经典好书《Bayesian Methods for Hackers》读书内容简介:son-Pilon,接触过数学在多个领域的应用——从基因和疾病的动态演化,到金融价格的随机模型。他对于开源社区主要的贡献包括这本书以及lifelines项目。Cameron成长于加拿大的安大略省圭尔夫市,而就读于滑铁卢大学以及莫斯科独立大学。如今他住...详情
经典好书《The Quest for Artificial Intelligence》读书内容简介:e (AI) is a field within computer science that is attempting to build enhanced intelligence into computer systems. This book ...详情
经典好书《Hello World! Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners》读书内容简介:ogramming for Kids gives a gentle introduction to computer programming. This book makes computer programming accessible and ...详情
经典好书《Data Mining for Business Analytics》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情