秋锦山房集 秋锦山房外集 书籍
经典好书《秋锦山房集 秋锦山房外集》读书内容简介:《嘉兴文献丛书》之一种。李良年为清代初年诗人,字武曾,号秋锦,浙江嘉兴人,李绳远之弟。生于明朝末年,卒于清康熙年间。少有隽才,与兄绳远、弟符齐名,时称“三李”;又与朱彝尊并称“朱、李”。良年与彝尊、王翊、周筼、缪泳、沈进等为诗课唱和,一时称盛。后往来...详情
经典好书《The Missionary's Curse and Other Tales from a Chinese Catholic Village》读书内容简介:professor of modern Chinese studies at Oxford University. Among her books are The Man Awakened from Dreams: One Man’s Life in...详情
经典好书《The Birth of a New Physics》读书内容简介:asic to our view of life that we take them for granted. But in the seventeenth century they were revolutionary, heretical, ev...详情
经典好书《A World Made New》读书内容简介:mind and famously tenacious in her convictions, Eleanor Roosevelt was still mourning the death of FDR when she was asked by P...详情
吉祥紋蓮花樓·卷一·朱雀 书籍
余秋雨人生哲言 书籍
经典好书《余秋雨人生哲言》读书内容简介:秋雨人生哲言》!该引人注目的是书中有近四分之一的内容是封笔后的余秋雨为了使本书更加完整而补写的文字。在该书中,余秋雨对他所憎恨的现象不再沉默不言,而是以相当激烈的语气给予无情抨击。 《余秋雨人生哲言》从策划到出版历时两年之久,余秋雨亲...详情
经典好书《A Good Man Is Hard to Find and Other Stories》读书内容简介:ERICAN SHORT STORY COLLECTIONS In 1955, with this short story collection, Flannery O'Connor firmly laid claim to her place as...详情
经典好书《A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy》读书内容简介:ed my dinner, and drank the King of France's health, to satisfy my mind that I bore him no spleen, but, on the contrary, high...详情