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The Birth of a New Physics读书介绍

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书籍 258页 2020 W. W. Norton & Company
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USD 16.95 2020-02-20 … 2020-03-03 … 88
I. Bernard Cohen      ISBN:9780393300451    原作名/别名:《》
The Birth of a New Physics摘要

These are notions so basic to our view of life that we take them for granted. But in the seventeenth century they were revolutionary, heretical, even dangerous to the men who formed them. Culture, religion, and science had intertwined over the centuries to create a world view based on a stationary earth. Indeed, if the earth moved, would not birds be blown off the trees and would not an object thrown straight up come down far away? Then came the Renaissance and with it Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Huygens, and Newton: giants who courageously remade the world into an earth which actually moves 100,000 feet a second while revolving 1,000 miles an hour around an object 93,000,000 miles away. And yet birds perch unruffled and an apple will fall straight down. All of this we think we know. But how well do we know it? In the twenty-five years since its first publication, The Birth of a New Physics has become a classic in the history of science. Here expanded by more than one-third and fully updated, it not only offers us the best account of the greatest scientific revolution but also tells us how we can know we live in a dynamic universe.




科恩是美国著名科学史家,研究领域非常广泛,特别是对17-18世纪物理学发展,以及美国科学的兴起有着深入的研究。他曾出版 有《新物理学的诞生》、《牛顿的自然哲学》、《本杰明•富兰克林的科学》、《相互作用:在自然科学与社会科学之间的某些接触》、《科学中的革命》等多种重要著作。曾历时15年翻译而成的牛顿的《自然哲学的数 学原理》一书的英译本。他曾担任美国科学史和科学哲学协会主席、国际科学史和科学哲学联合会的第一任副会长(1961-1968)和会长(1968-1971),以及美国历史学会主席等职务。他也曾因其出色的成就而获得了多种的荣誉,特别是在 1974年获得了萨顿奖,于1986年获得了普利策图书奖。

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