A.I少女(03) 书籍
经典好书《A.I少女(03)》读书内容简介: 亞依的學習速度異常快速,超乎眾人的想像,於是紺野決定回收亞依進行檢查,沒想到亞依透過唇語分析,得知自己要被回收的訊息,便趁著眾人不注意的時候,逃離了現場…作者简介详情
A.I少女(02) 书籍
经典好书《A.I少女(02)》读书内容简介: 紺野受芝崎重工之邀,為亞衣撰寫程式,希望藉此讓亞衣能夠自律行動,而理子也受到末永部長的延攬,進入研究團隊。某天,正當研究團隊在進行實驗的時候,亞衣的眼睛突然啟動了…作者简介详情
A.I少女(01) 书籍
经典好书《A.I少女(01)》读书内容简介: 男主角紺野誠的初戀情人,竟然是一個在咖啡店上班的女服務生機器人-"AI2000"?而他所愛的對象-A.I(人工智慧)能夠真正了解愛情是什麼嗎?作者简介详情
经典好书《I Married a Communist》读书内容简介:33年出生在美国新泽西州的纽瓦克市,被认为是当代最杰出的美国犹太裔作家之一。罗斯以短篇小说《再见,哥伦布》崛起,赢得美国多个主要文学奖项,1998年凭借《美国牧歌》一举获得美国普利策文学奖,是近年来诺贝尔文学奖呼声颇高的作家之一。作者简...详情
经典好书《A History of Marxian Economics, Volume I》读书内容简介:is critical history covers the social, political, and theoretical forces behind the development of Marxian economics from Mar...详情
经典好书《A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again》读书内容简介:aised book - a collection of seven pieces on subjects ranging from television to tennis, from the Illinois State Fair to the ...详情
经典好书《I Married a Communist》读书内容简介:is a big Newark roughneck lighted by a brutal personal secret from which he is perpetually in flight. An idealistic Communist...详情
经典好书《I Am a Strange Loop》读书内容简介: long-awaited return to the themes of Godel, Escher, Bach - an original and controversial view of the nature of consciousness...详情
经典好书《Why I Am Not A Christian?》读书内容简介:an is considered one of the most blasphemous philosophical documents ever written, and at a time when we have faith schools a...详情
欧赫贝26国幻游记A-I 书籍