经典好书《Walking the Tightrope of Reason》读书内容简介:)美国达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)哲学教授,谢尔曼•费尔柴尔德(Sherman Fairchild)人文学科教授。其他著作包括《皮浪主义反思》(Pyrrhonian Reflections),《维特根斯坦和休谟的怀...详情
经典好书《Walking with the Wind (Voices and Visions in Film)》读书内容简介: of recent verse by the celebrated Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami (award-winning director of such films as "Close-Up" and...详情
经典好书《Walking Literary London》读书内容简介:88年起为《出版新闻》记者,见过作者逾百,参与伦敦城内文学大事无数,本书中一些灵感便来自于此。
罗杰·塔厚尔还是《卫报》、《庞奇》等媒体撰稿人,著有Poems NOT on the Underground。作者简介...详情
经典好书《In Praise of Walking》读书内容简介:ok, neuroscientist Shane O’Mara invites us to marvel at the benefits walking confers on our bodies and brains— ones we’ve all...详情