经典好书《Twilight in the Forbidden City》读书内容简介:雷金纳德·弗莱明·约翰斯顿。1898年,作为一名东方见习生被派往香港。从此,庄士敦以学者兼官员的身份在华工作生活了三十四年。1919年2月,赴京,开始了“帝师”生涯。庄士敦是中国几千年帝王史上第一位也是最后一位具有“帝师”头衔的外国人。...详情
经典好书《Imperial Twilight》读书内容简介:position as a world power, Imperial Twilight looks back to tell the story of the country's last age of ascendance and how it ...详情
经典好书《Empire's Twilight》读书内容简介: empire transformed world history. Its collapse in the mid-fourteenth century had equally profound consequences. Four themes ...详情
经典好书《What the Twilight Says》读书内容简介: (1930-2017),诗人、剧作家、画家。生于圣卢西亚的卡斯特里。先后就读于圣玛利大学和西印度的牙买加大学,后来在波士顿大学教授文学。代表作有史诗《奥麦罗斯》、短诗集《白鹭》、散文集《黄昏的诉说》等,是国际作家奖、史密斯文 学奖、麦克阿瑟奖、艾略...详情
经典好书《The Celtic Twilight》读书内容简介:ltic Twilight is based on the expanded 1902 edition, which remains one of the best-known collections of Yeats' prose. Here he...详情
经典好书《Twilight of the Idols》读书内容简介:ain a quick idea of how before me everything was topsy-turvy should make a start with this work. That which is called idol on...详情
经典好书《Imperial Twilight》读书内容简介:war on China in 1839, it sealed the fate of what had been, for centuries, the wealthiest and most powerful empire in the worl...详情
经典好书《Twilight of the Titans》读书内容简介:ective on the United States–China power transition, Paul K. MacDonald and Joseph M. Parent examine all great power transition...详情
经典好书《The Twilight Saga》读书内容简介:plete with all four paperback books as well as four collectible prints, makes the perfect gift for fans of the bestselling va...详情
经典好书《The Celtic Twilight》读书内容简介:dp/0861400704?tag=internetsacredte&camp=14573&creative=327641&linkCode=as1&creativeASIN=0861400704&adid=08JN4H90VDSEYQEJE765&...详情