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Imperial Twilight读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 None页 2020
定价 出版日期 最近访问 访问指数
USD 95.00 2020-02-20 … 2020-10-30 … 20
Stephen R. Platt      ISBN:9780525588795    原作名/别名:《》
Imperial Twilight摘要

When Britain declared war on China in 1839, it sealed the fate of what had been, for centuries, the wealthiest and most powerful empire in the world. But local corruption, popular uprisings, and dwindling finances had left the country much weaker than was commonly understood and the war set in motion the fall of the Qing dynasty which, in turn, would lead to the rise of nationalism and communism in the twentieth century. Imperial Twilight is the dramatic, epic story of the decades leading up to the war. Award-winning historian Stephen Platt recounts the first efforts by the British government to "open" China to trade--Western missionaries and traders venturing to the still mysterious empire while the Chinese emperor and officials struggled to manage their country's decline--and makes clear how the profits from opium ultimately lead to the war. Given the growing uncertainty in current relations between China and the West, the riveting history recounted in Imperial Twilight has important implications for the world today.


史蒂芬.普拉特Stephen R. Platt

耶魯大學中國史博士,博士論文獲頒瑟隆.費爾德獎(Theron Rockwell Field Prize)。目前是美國阿姆赫斯特麻塞諸塞大學歷史系教授,著有《太平天國之秋》(Autum in the Heavenly Kindom)、《湖南人與現代中國》(Provincial Patriots: The Hunanese and Modern China)等書。他大學時主修英語,因此大學畢業後以雅禮協會老師的身分在湖南待了兩年。他的研究得到傅爾布萊特計畫、國家人文基金會、蔣經國基金會支持。目前與妻女住在麻塞諸塞州的格林費爾德。




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