经典好书《A Week at the Airport》读书内容简介:人移居伦敦。18岁入剑桥大学。他徜徉于文学、艺术、美学、哲学、心理分析之间,上下古今求索,从中邂逅知音,产生共鸣,在跨越千年的著作家那里欣然找到先得我心之感,逐步接近了自己的目标。大学只不过提供他一个读书的氛围;而读书只是帮他找到自己独特的创作模式。...详情
经典好书《A Caribbean Mystery》读书内容简介:king in the Caribbean sunshine she felt mildly disconnected with life. True, the warmth eased her rheumatism, but here in par...详情
经典好书《A History of Mathematics》读书内容简介:n of the classic and comprehensive guide to the history of mathematics For more than forty years, A History of Mathematics ...详情
经典好书《A History of Mathematics》读书内容简介:still thousands of years of mathematics into this fascinating chronicle. From the Greeks to Godel, the mathematics is brillia...详情
经典好书《A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology》读书内容简介:a basic part of modern mathematics and some knowledge of this area is indispensable for any advanced work relating to geometr...详情
经典好书《A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry, Vol. 3, 3rd Edition》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《For a Breath I Tarry》读书内容简介:a Breath I Tarry" is a highly-regarded 1966 post-apocalyptic novelette by Roger Zelazny. Taking place long after the self-ext...详情
经典好书《The Hero with a Thousand Faces》读书内容简介:名比较神话学家,也是一位极具启发性的导师、演说家和思想家。早年曾在莎拉•劳伦斯学院学习英国文学和教书,20世纪80年代因一系列电视专题节目而广为人知。他探讨人类文化中神话的共同作用,深入研究世界各地文学与民间传说中的神话原型;他建构起当代神话学理论的...详情
经典好书《Advice for a Young Investigator》读书内容简介: was a mythic figure in science. Hailed as the father of modern anatomy and neurobiology, he was largely responsible for the ...详情
经典好书《Suite à l'hôtel Crystal》读书内容简介:,法国作家,1947年生于巴黎郊区,曾当过记者和自由撰稿人,1968年法国“五月风暴”后期担任过左翼组织的军事领袖。重要作品有《苏丹港》(1994年获“费米娜奖”)、《纸老虎》(2003年,获“法国文化奖”)和《猎狮人》(2014年)。2011年,法...详情