Lua程序设计 书籍
经典好书《Lua程序设计》读书内容简介:者亲自撰写,针对Lua 语言本身由浅入深地从各个方面进行了完整和细致的讲解。作为第4 版,《Lua程序设计(第4版)》主要针对的是Lua 5.3,这是《Lua程序设计(第4版)》撰写时Lua 语言的最新版本。作者从语言使用者的角度出发,讲解了语言基础...详情
经典好书《Programming in Lua, Third Edition》读书内容简介: choice for anyone who needs a scripting language that is simple, efficient, extensible, portable, and free. Currently, Lua i...详情
经典好书《Programming in Lua, Fourth Edition》读书内容简介:and more throughout different areas of software, from embedded systems and mobile devices to the Web and the Internet of Thin...详情
经典好书《Programming In Lua》读书内容简介:nguage of choice for anyone who needs a scripting language that is simple, efficient, extensible, portable, and free. Current...详情
经典好书《Programming in Lua, Second Edition》读书内容简介: choice for anyone who needs a scripting language that is simple, efficient, extensible, portable, and free. Currently, Lua i...详情
LUA程序设计(第2版) 书籍
经典好书《LUA程序设计(第2版)》读书内容简介:),在少年时由于喜好计算机游戏而喜爱上计算机编程,对各类开发技术皆有涉猎。曾从事过2年游戏程序设计专业的教育工作,之后在上海Ubisoft工作,参与Splinter Cell 4(Xbox 360)、Rayman 4(Xbox 360)等项目开发。现...详情