经典好书《A Course in Phonetics》读书内容简介:URSE IN PHONETICS is the hallmark text for the study of linquistics. Retaining the trademark writing style and approach of pr...详情
A Free Life 书籍
经典好书《A Free Life》读书内容简介:New York Times Notable BookOne of the Best Books of the Year: Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, Entertainment Weekly...详情
经典好书《Making a Good Script Great》读书内容简介:reat is more than just a matter of putting a good idea on paper. It requires the working and reworking of that idea. This boo...详情
经典好书《Introduction to a True History of Cinema and Television》读书内容简介:in film studies: we hear as if for the first time the live pulse of Godard’s lectures and discussions in Montreal in 1978—a s...详情
少年H 上 书籍
经典好书《少年H 上》读书内容简介:p>榮獲第五十一屆「每日出版文化賞」特別獎銷售突破三百五十萬本授權英、俄、韓文等多種翻譯版本少年H從小在充滿自由氣息的港都神戶長大,課後常和同伴上山下海玩耍、四處探險。在西裝...详情
经典好书《A Zone of Engagement》读书内容简介:me offer critical assessments of a number of leading figures in contemporary intellectual life, who are in different ways thi...详情
经典好书《I Am a Strange Loop》读书内容简介: long-awaited return to the themes of Godel, Escher, Bach - an original and controversial view of the nature of consciousness...详情
经典好书《Tsai Ming-Liang and a Cinema of Slowness》读书内容简介:國立臺灣大學中國文學系畢業,英國劍橋大學東方學院碩士、博士。曾任教於英國里茲(Leeds)大學與埃克塞特(Exeter)大學逾十載,現為香港中文大學文化及宗教研究系副教授。著作包括專書Celluloid Comrades: Representa...详情
经典好书《A Reader on Reading》读书内容简介:on of his essays, Alberto Manguel, whom George Steiner has called 'the Casanova of reading', argues that the activity of read...详情
经典好书《A Dangerous Mind》读书内容简介: 有中译作者简介扬-维尔纳·米勒(Jan-Werner Muller)德国籍。英国牛津大学哲学博士。现任美国普林顿大学政治系副教授。另著有《另一个国家:德国的知识分子、统一和民族同一性》。详情