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Reading Matters读书介绍

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书籍 304页 2020
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$ 27.12 2020-02-20 … 2020-09-22 … 82
Willes, Margaret      ISBN:9780300164046    原作名/别名:《》
Reading Matters摘要

It is easy to forget in our own day of cheap paperbacks and mega-bookstores that until very recently books were luxury items. Those who could not afford to buy had to borrow, share, obtain secondhand, inherit, or listen to others reading. This book examines how people acquired and read books from the sixteenth century to the present, focusing on the personal relationships between readers and the volumes they owned. Margaret Willes considers a selection of private and public libraries across the period - most of which have survived - showing the diversity of book owners and borrowers, from country-house aristocrats to modest farmers, from Regency ladies of leisure to working men and women. Exploring the collections of avid readers such as Samuel Pepys, Thomas Jefferson, Sir John Soane, Thomas Bewick, and Denis and Edna Healey, Margaret Willes also investigates the means by which books were sold, lending fascinating insights into the ways booksellers and publishers marketed their wares. For those who are interested in books and reading, and especially those who treasure books, this one will inform, entertain, and inspire.


玛格丽特·威尔斯(Margaret Willes),曾在牛津大学玛格丽特夫人学院读现代史和建筑史,前英国国民托管组织出版商,2005年退休,现居伦敦,写作并绘有多部书籍。

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