经典好书《The Power of Reading》读书内容简介:r free voluntary reading set out in the book's 1993 first edition, this new, updated, and much-looked-for second edition expl...详情
经典好书《Reading in the Brain》读书内容简介:ban.com/note/46961459/作者简介斯坦尼斯拉斯·迪昂是一位年轻有为、蜚声国际的法国认知神经科学家,现任法国科学院院士、梵蒂冈教皇科学院院士。其主要研究领域为脑与认知研究,最重要的研究成果是发现并证实了顶内...详情
经典好书《Reading Leo Strauss》读书内容简介:s is greater now than at any time since his death, mostly because of the purported link between his thought and the political...详情
经典好书《ABC of Reading》读书内容简介:诗坛的一位巨将。他谙熟古今,善于旁搜博采,撷取各国文明之长以为己用。在这本教导式的小书中,庞德遵循了“一切批评都是一种界说古典作家的尝试”,附以从经典中精心挑选的展示作品。结尾的“格律论”对于任何渴望读诗和写诗的人来说都是一篇富于启迪的论文。...详情
经典好书《A Reading of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit》读书内容简介:his title was much acclaimed as the leading interpretation and exposition of Hegel's "Phenomenology of Spirit". This revision...详情
经典好书《Reading Plato》读书内容简介: writing in the Phaedrus as a starting point, where Socrates argues that a book cannot choose its reader nor can it defend it...详情
Code Reading 书籍
经典好书《Code Reading》读书内容简介: 如果你是个程序员的话,那么你就需要本书。可能导致我们阅读代码的原因是:我们不得不去修复它其中所包含的错误;或是对它进行遍查(inspect);或者是改善它。我们阅读代码的方式可能和工程师检查机械的方式一样——找出它的工作原理。或者我们阅...详情
经典好书《Allegories of Reading》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《A Reading Diary A Year of Favourite Books》读书内容简介: 阿尔维托·曼古埃尔(Alberto Manguel),1948年出生于阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯,1985年后成为加拿大公民,现定居法国。享有盛名的作家、小说家及翻译家。作者简介详情
Code Reading 书籍
经典好书《Code Reading》读书内容简介:and essential reference that focuses upon the reading and comprehension of existing software code. While code reading is an i...详情