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The Great Clod读书介绍

类别 页数 译者 网友评分 年代 出版社
书籍 208页 2020 Counterpoint
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USD 25.00 2020-02-20 … 2020-09-18 … 61
Gary Snyder      ISBN:9781619025691    原作名/别名:《》
The Great Clod摘要

For the full course of his remarkable career, Gary Snyder has continued his study of Eastern culture and philosophies. From the Ainu to the Mongols, from Hokkaido to Kyoto, from the landscapes of China to the backcountry of contemporary Japan, from the temples of Daitokoji to the Yellow River Valley, it is now clear how this work has influenced his poetry, his stance as an environmental and political activist, and his long practice of Zen. Growing up in the Pacific Northwest, Asia became a vocation for Snyder. While most American writers looked to the capitals of Europe for their inspiration, Sndyer looked East. American letters is profoundly indebted to this geographical choice. Long rumored to exist, "The Great Clod" collects more than a dozen chapters, several published in The Coevolution Quarterly almost forty years ago when Snyder briefly described this work as "The China Book," and several others, the majority, never before published in any form. "Summer in Hokkaido," "Wild in China," "Ink and Charcoal, " "Stories to Save the World," "Walking the Great Ridge," these essays turn from being memoirs of travel to prolonged considerations of art, culture, natural history and religion. Filled with Snyder's remarkable insights and briskly beautiful descriptions, this collection adds enormously to the major corpus of his work, certain to delight and instruct his readers now and forever.


加里·斯奈德 Gary Snyder,美国诗人、散文家、翻译家。1930年生于旧金山,早年移居美国西北部,在父母的农场工作。毕业于里德学院,获得文学和人类学学位。后进入伯克利大学攻读东方语言文学,其间受禅宗影响转学亚洲语言和文化,并翻译中国古诗,参与“垮掉派”诗歌运动 ,到日本修习禅宗。1984年,斯奈德和金斯堡随美国作家代表团访问中国。多年来致力于生态保护,被誉为“深层生态学的桂冠诗人”。曾获普利策诗歌奖、美国国家图书奖、伯林根诗歌奖与罗伯特·基尔希终身成就奖。


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