经典好书《Breakfast at Tiffany's》读书内容简介:ightly, glittering socialite traveller, generally upwards, sometimes sideways and once in a while down. She's up all night d...详情
经典好书《Hercule Poirot's Christmas》读书内容简介:murder--are never out of season. A family get-together for the holidays begins with a game, and ends in cold-blooded murder. ...详情
经典好书《Burglars Can't be Chosers》读书内容简介:p>当今欧美硬汉派侦探小说第一人作品拥有最多的崇拜者,精英分子最爱的收藏获爱伦•坡终身大师奖、钻石匕首奖和马耳他之鹰奖“雅贼”是最能代表劳伦斯•布洛克风格的作品——英雄末路,自我逃避。不同的是,相比于醉生梦死...详情
经典好书《He Wouldn't Kill Patience》读书内容简介:p>史上最伟大的推理小说作家之一,举世公认的“密室推理之王”。其小说素以公平著称,线索隐蔽,解答惊人,具有超乎寻常的逻辑性、趣味性。他一生共设计了超过五十种密室,几乎每个都是构思精巧、无以复加;又兼其小说一贯具有的浓郁哥特风格,以及其谋篇布局的...详情
经典好书《Žižek's Jokes》读书内容简介:ilosophical work could be written consisting entirely of jokes."—Ludwig WittgensteinThe good news is that this book of...详情
经典好书《Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition》读书内容简介:ca's best-selling dictionary! A red Kivar bound, plain-edged version featuring more than 225,000 clear and precise definition...详情
经典好书《Taiwan's Imagined Geography》读书内容简介:he Chinese considered Taiwan a "land beyond the seas," a "ball of mud" inhabited by "naked and tattooed savages." The incorpo...详情
经典好书《H. R. Giger's Necronomicon》读书内容简介: book of his artwork. Dark, erotic and disturbing, Giger's work is among the most brilliant fantasy art of the century. This ...详情
ドSメガネの調教保健室 书籍
经典好书《ドSメガネの調教保健室》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
Noah's Ark 书籍
经典好书《Noah's Ark》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情