经典好书《Die Welt im Rücken》读书内容简介:, hat Ihr Leben keine Kontinuität mehr. Die Krankheit hat Ihre Vergangenheit zerschossen, und in noch stärkerem Maße bedroht ...详情
经典好书《The Rise of the Fiscal State in Europe, c. 1200-1815》读书内容简介:rnational team of scholars builds up a comprehensive analysis of the fiscal history of Europe over six centuries. It forms a ...详情
经典好书《A First Course in Abstract Algebra》读书内容简介: Joseph J.Rotman 美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-佩恩分校数学系教授。他著有多部数学方面的书,其中包括《Advanced Modern Algebra》(《高等近代世代数》,本书中文版由机械工业出版社引进出版)、《Galois Theory》等。作者简介详情
经典好书《THE CAMBRIDGE ANCIENT HISTORY Volume 01 Part I》读书内容简介: what is known about the remotest geological ages, comprising chapters on the different kinds of evidence concerning man and ...详情
经典好书《The Portrait of a Lady》读书内容简介: from her native America, Isabel Archer has candour, beauty, intelligence, an independent spirit and a marked enthusiasm for ...详情
经典好书《A Raisin in the Sun》读书内容简介:orn May 19, 1930, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.—died January 12, 1965, New York, New York), American playwright whose A Raisin in t...详情
数学物理方法 I 书籍
经典好书《数学物理方法 I》读书内容简介:》系统地提供了为解决各种重要物理问题所需的基本数学方法。全书分三卷出版。本书为《数学物理方法I》,由R.柯朗和D.希尔伯特编写,内容包括:线性代数和二次型、任意函数的级数展开、线性积分方程、变分法、振动和本征 值问题、变分法在 本征值问题上的应用以及...详情
经典好书《The Absent Author A to Z Mysteries》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Dick Sand a Captain at Fifteen》读书内容简介:n book is a selection from Kessinger Publishings Legacy Reprint Series. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as ...详情