Instantanés 书籍
经典好书《Instantanés》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
Hunter's Run 书籍
经典好书《Hunter's Run》读书内容简介:大师,作品主要以人物为关注点,描写细腻丰富,突破了幻想文学界固有的创作模式,多次引领阅读潮流。代表作有十大浪漫太空歌剧之一的《光逝》、由雨果奖获奖名篇扩展而成的《风港》以及当代正统奇幻的第一经典《冰与火之歌》等。由于马丁的辉煌成就,他被誉为美国的托尔...详情
经典好书《Death of a Discipline》读书内容简介:es, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak has been ignoring the standardized "rules" of the academy and trespassing across disciplinary ...详情
经典好书《ウムヴェルト 五十嵐大介作品集》读书内容简介:の子供』などで絶対的な支持を獲得している五十嵐大介の作品集、待望の登場! 2004年から2014年にかけて描かれた短編は、「この世界のどこかにいる、かもしれない」──そんな「未確認生物」をモチーフとした珠玉の10タイトル。『ディザインズ』の原型となる...详情
经典好书《The Second Treatise of Government and A Letter Concerning Toleration》读书内容简介: of Government, John Locke answered two objectives: to refute the concept of the monarchy's divine right and to establish a t...详情
经典好书《A Short History of Distributive Justice》读书内容简介:n its modern sense calls on the state to guarantee that everyone is supplied with a certain level of material means. Samuel F...详情
经典好书《A Pale View of Hills》读书内容简介:, THE REMAINS OF THE DAY, Kazuo Ishiguro advances the butler's story, not by giving, but by withholding both information and ...详情
经典好书《The Man Who Mistook His Wife for A Hat》读书内容简介:ary book, "one of the great clinical writers of the 20th century" (The New York Times) recounts the case histories of patie...详情
经典好书《Breakfast at Tiffany's》读书内容简介:ightly, glittering socialite traveller, generally upwards, sometimes sideways and once in a while down. She's up all night d...详情