The Mind's I 书籍
经典好书《The Mind's I》读书内容简介:is the author of Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid.
经典好书《China's Great Economic Transformation》读书内容简介:dy provides an integrated analysis of China's unexpected economic boom of the past three decades. The authors combine deep Ch...详情
经典好书《Warren Buffett's Ground Rules》读书内容简介: 杰里米·米勒(Jeremy C. Miller)是伯克希尔公司的长期股东,他在垂直研究所(合伙企业)从事机构销售业务,这是一家在纽约市成立的证券研究公司,其客户包括一些世界规模大的资金管理机构。每年伯克希尔股东年会前夕,他都会在奥马哈为一群客户举办晚宴。作者简介详情
Liar's Poker 书籍
经典好书《Liar's Poker》读书内容简介:o see in life in Investment Bank and Wall Street. Perhaps it's just a novel, but it can offer much more to the reader....详情
经典好书《The C++ Programming Language》读书内容简介:oughly master it, with the definitive new guide from C++ creator Bjarne Stroustrup, C++ Programming Language, Fou rth Edition...详情
C++設計新思維 书籍
经典好书《C++設計新思維》读书内容简介: Andrei Alexandrescu 世界顶尖的C++专家,C++ Users Journal杂志的专栏作家,他的Modern C++ Design一书曾荣获2001年最佳C++图书称号,所开发的Loki已经成为最负盛名的C++程序库之一。作者简介详情
C和指针 书籍
经典好书《Essential C++》读书内容简介: fast-track to learning and working with C++. This book is specifically designed to bring you up to speed in a short amount o...详情
经典好书《Imperfect C++》读书内容简介:问,STLSoft库的创建者,他为双月刊C/C++UserscJournal撰写关于将C/C++与其他语言和技术进行整合的专栏文章,同时亦是C++ExpertscForum在线专栏作家。Wilson有十余年C++开发经验。目前定居于澳大利亚。他拥有英...详情
经典好书《C++ Concurrency in Action》读书内容简介:UK-based developer and consultant with many years experience in C++. He has been an active member of the BSI C++ Standards Pa...详情