经典好书《My Father's Tears and Other Stories》读书内容简介:llection of short stories, in many of which Updike revisits the haunts of his childhood from the vantage point of old age. In...详情
经典好书《The Mathematics Lover’s Companion: Masterpieces for Everyone》读书内容简介:cal masterpieces for exploration and enlightenmentHow can a shape have more than one dimension but fewer than two? Wha...详情
经典好书《City Versus Countryside in Mao's China》读书内容简介:living in the city and those in the countryside remains one of China's most intractable problems. As this powerful work of gr...详情
经典好书《A STUDY OF THE KUSHĀN HISTORY》读书内容简介:HISRTORY是同作者《贵霜史研究》一书的英文版,是作者研究贵霜史的专著。贵霜帝国兴起于公元一世纪初,贵霜王朝与罗马、安息、东汉同时并存,其极盛时期的版图包括了中亚和南亚的大部分地区。贵霜人的统治对这些地区的政治、经济、宗教等产生了深广的影响,由于...详情
经典好书《Harley Hahn's Guide to Unix and Linux》读书内容简介:o Unix and Linux" is a modern, comprehensive text for anyone who wants to learn how to use Unix or Linux. This book is suitab...详情
经典好书《Chiang Kai-shek’s Politics of Shame》读书内容简介: who reversed the disintegration of China and steered the country to Allied victory in World War II, Chiang Kai-shek fled int...详情
经典好书《Histoire des grands-parents que je n'ai pas eus. U》读书内容简介:van Jablonka,1973—),法国历史学家,巴黎第十三大学当代历史学教授,《思想生活》杂志创办人和主编,“思想共和国丛书”主编之一。著有《共和国的儿童》《蕾蒂西娅,或人类的终结》《无缘得见的年代》,其著作多次荣获奖项。【译者简...详情
经典好书《Paysage après la bataille》读书内容简介:me, ou des autres.作者简介菲利普·德·皮埃尔庞(Philippe de Pierpont),比利时漫画、戏剧编剧,电影导演。1955 年生于布鲁塞尔,从艺术史专业毕业后开始和不同漫画绘者联合创作漫画,同时...详情
经典好书《Essays on the Gita, New U.S. Paperback Ed.》读书内容简介:“三圣”(圣雄甘地、圣诗泰戈尔、圣哲阿罗频多)之一,居印度近代以来最著名的精神哲学家之列。民族主义者,自由斗士,诗人,哲学家,瑜伽修行者。 7岁就去英国求学,毕业于剑桥大学。21岁时回国,开始研究本土文化,渐渐参加独立运动。到34岁已为名教授而被...详情
经典好书《Soldier's Pay》读书内容简介:ry of a wounded, helpless and dying officer returning home to his father and his fickle sweetheart in Georgia.作者简介...详情