经典好书《If You Give a Mouse a Cookie》读书内容简介:veler shows up at your house, you might want to give him a cookie. If you give him a cookie, he's going to ask for a glass of...详情
经典好书《A Midsummer Night's Dream》读书内容简介:cription Magic, love spells, and an enchanted wood provide the materials for one of Shakespeare’s most delightful come...详情
经典好书《Does America Need a Foreign Policy?》读书内容简介:tful, and important book, at once far-seeing and brilliantly readable, America's most famous diplomatist explains why we urge...详情
经典好书《A Sort of Life》读书内容简介:Graham Greene), 1904-91, English novelist and playwright. Although most of his works combine elements of the detective story,...详情
经典好书《L'Évolution pédagogique en France》读书内容简介:917)涂尔干(杜尔克姆、迪尔凯姆),法国社会学家,社会学的学科奠基人之一。1858年4月15日出生于法国孚日省埃皮纳尔一个小城镇的犹太教教士家庭。幼年曾学习希伯莱文、旧约和犹太教法典。青年时代放弃了宗教信仰,走上实证科学的道路。1879年,就学于巴...详情
经典好书《D'Artagnan amoureux》读书内容简介:25-1962)也是50年代巴黎最为成功的作家之一,作为瓦勒里·拉尔博和马塞尔·埃梅的得意弟子,他的小说始终具有惊人的想像力和幻梦破灭般的美感。也正因此,法国评论界习惯以“三个火枪手”或“轻骑兵一代”来赞誉尼米埃、布隆丹、洛朗这三位剑走偏锋的潇洒作家...详情
经典好书《A Fable (William Faulkner Manuscripts)》读书内容简介:p>美国文学史上具有影响力的作家之一,意识流文学的代表人物。福克纳以小说创作闻名于世,他一生共写了19部长篇小说与120多篇短篇小说,其中15部长篇与绝大多数短篇的故事都发生在他虚构的约克纳帕塔法县,称为“约克纳帕塔法世系”。1949年...详情
经典好书《La délicatesse》读书内容简介:e l'avait embrassé sans réfléchir.Maintenant, elle se demande si elle a bien fait.C'est l'histoire d'une femme ...详情
经典好书《An Odyssey: A Father, A Son, and an Epic》读书内容简介:ld Jay Mendelsohn decides to enroll in the undergraduate Odyssey seminar his son teaches at Bard College, the two find themse...详情
经典好书《Towards a Critical Theory of Society》读书内容简介:Marcuse's collected papers includes unpublished manuscripts from the late 1960s and early 1970s, such as Beyond One-Dimension...详情