经典好书《Ricordi politici e civili》读书内容简介:Guicciardini, 1483—1540),意大利16世纪杰出的政治外交家、哲学家和历史学家。他比马基雅维利更注重现实与实际,更注重通过历史的经验教训来掌握一定规律,并且将这样的经验结合自身的品质,运用到现实生活的各类行动中:他在政治观念、哲学...详情
经典好书《Preferisco la coppa. Vita, partite e miracoli di un normale fuoriclasse》读书内容简介:ei grandi protagonisti del calcio italiano, racconta la sua vita con la schiettezza e lo spirito pungente che gli vengono dal...详情
经典好书《Sogdian Epigraphy of Central Asia and Semirech'e》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Méditations cartésiennes》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《GI. Vocabolario della lingua greca. Con la guida all'uso del vocabola rio e lessico di base. Con CD-ROM》读书内容简介:ofessor of Ancient Greek Literature at the University of Genoa (Italy), Director of the "Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione...详情
弦论和M理论导论 书籍
经典好书《弦论和M理论导论》读书内容简介:ring theory is one of the most exciting and challenging areas of moderntheoretical physics. It was developed in the late 1960...详情
经典好书《Introduction to Superstrings and M-Theory》读书内容简介:eory of everything," superstrings may solve a problem which has eluded physicists for the past 50 years -- the final unificat...详情
M. Butterfly 书籍
经典好书《M. Butterfly》读书内容简介:n acclaimed playwright, screenwriter, and librettist. He won the 1988 Tony Award for M. Butterfly. He sits on the boards of t...详情
经典好书《Moi, Pierre Rivière, ayant égorgé ma mère, ma soeur et mon frère--》读书内容简介:,1926—1984),法国哲学家。他以其无比渊博的学识、才华横溢的文笔、惊世骇俗的思想,深刻影响了后现代主义、权力分析与社会理论、新文化史、刑罚史、身体史、性史、女性主义与酷儿理论,以及文学与艺术批评等各种时代思潮。其主要作品有:《古典时代疯狂史》...详情
经典好书《Le Dernier des métiers. Entretiens》读书内容简介:ras,1914-1996),二十世纪法国有影响、极富魅力的作家、戏剧家和电影编剧及导演。杜拉斯出生在法属印度支那,十八岁回到法国。殖民地的生活经历成为她的创作源泉。七十岁那年,其自传体小说《情人》荣获1984年 法国龚古尔文学奖。写作...详情