经典好书《The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead》读书内容简介:ve and clear translation of the spells and prayers depicted on the Papyrus of Ani, illustrated with photographs of the origin...详情
经典好书《The Daily Book of Art》读书内容简介:world, creative people are as eager as ever to pursue their artistic passions, but many of them simply don't have enough time...详情
经典好书《The Copy Book》读书内容简介:ings drawn and donated by the British Association of Illustrators. Covers food, water, health, shelter and work. For use by a...详情
经典好书《The Enlightenment and the Book》读书内容简介:ntury witnessed an explosion of intellectual activity in Scotland by such luminaries as David Hume, Adam Smith, Hugh Blair, W...详情
经典好书《The Enlightenment and the Book》读书内容简介:story, Richard B. Sher breaks new ground for our understanding of the Enlightenment and the forgotten role of publishing duri...详情
经典好书《Casanova Was a Book Lover》读书内容简介:者,现为美国路易斯安那州立大学霍普金斯·布雷齐尔教授(Hopkins P.Braezeale Professor),兼任该校大众传媒学院主任。汉密尔顿教授还是国际公众电台(Public Radio International)“市场”节目的评论人。<...详情
经典好书《Batman: Year One Book & DVD Set》读书内容简介: desperate need of heroes, two men take a stand for justice...but on opposite sides. Bruce Wayne returns home after years abr...详情
经典好书《The Book of Illusions》读书内容简介:市,集小说家、诗人、剧作家、译者、电影导演等多重身份于一身,被视为是美国当代最勇于创新的小说家之一。他1947年出生于新泽西州的纽渥克市,从哥伦比亚大学毕业后曾在法国生活数年。年轻时过着漂泊无定的生活,不断尝试各种工作,甚至曾参加舞团的排练,只因为“...详情
1Q84 Book 2 书籍
经典好书《1Q84 Book 2》读书内容简介:小說《1Q84》終於上架,真有千呼萬喚始出來之洶洶氣勢;而事實上,2009絕對是村上春樹先生大活躍的一年,名作《聽風的歌》出版30周年紀念、《挪威的森林》宣布開拍電影版 (松山研一飾主角渡邊、菊地凜子飾直子、水原希子飾阿綠,陳英雄執導)、年初時更親身...详情
经典好书《The Copy Book 全球32位顶尖广告文案的写作之道》读书内容简介:>再多的描述与修饰语言都不及亲自品读经典来的真实。32位全球一流文案写手亲口讲述他们独特的工作方法与程序。他们来自这个地球上广告业最发达的国家,在O&M;、DDB、Saatchi、JWT等全球知名的广告公司工作,服务过的客户...详情