经典好书《The Writer's Journey》读书内容简介:尊重的编剧和写作技巧大师,常年担任好莱坞各大制片公司编剧顾问,《狮子王》、《搏击俱乐部》和《细细的红线》等著名影片的故事创作均受其影响。沃格勒独创的“英雄之旅”故事模型曾对世界编剧理论产生了巨大冲击,本书是他的代表作,受到美国、欧洲、日...详情
经典好书《Journey to a War (Armchair Traveller Series)》读书内容简介:诗人、评论家(由于其出生于英国,后来成为美国公民,所以也有人将其列为美国作家),举世公认的二十世纪最伟大的作家之一。其作品数量巨大,主题多样,技巧高超,身后亦备受推崇,其独特风格对后辈作家影响深远。克里斯托弗•衣修伍德(1904—198...详情
经典好书《A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy》读书内容简介:ed my dinner, and drank the King of France's health, to satisfy my mind that I bore him no spleen, but, on the contrary, high...详情
经典好书《Journey Under the Midnight Sun》读书内容简介:rdered in an abandoned building in Osaka in 1973, unflappable detective Sasagaki is assigned to the case. He begins to piece ...详情
经典好书《The Lyric Journey》读书内容简介:26年出生于美国加州,是当今中国艺术史研究的权威之一。生活•读书•新知三联书店已出版“高居翰作品系列” 《隔江山色:元代绘画,1279-1368》、《江岸送别:明代前期的中国绘画,1368-1580》、《山外山:晚明绘画,1570-1644》、《气势...详情
经典好书《Journey Through Genius》读书内容简介:ham s Journey Through Genius The Great Theorems of Mathematics "Dunham deftly guides the reader through the verbal and logica...详情
经典好书《Elephant's Journey, The》读书内容简介:1922-2010)葡萄牙作家。1947年出版首部小说《罪孽之地》,1995年获葡萄牙语文学最高奖项卡蒙斯文学奖。1998年,因其“充满想象、同情和讽喻的寓言故事,不断地使我们对虚幻的现实加深理解”,被授予诺贝尔文学奖。萨...详情
经典好书《The Railway Journey》读书内容简介: technological change upon our perception of the world is so pervasive as to have become a commonplace of modern society. But...详情
经典好书《Journey to the Center of the Earth》读书内容简介:h-century French literature, this science fiction tale delves into the depths of the Earth, and by so doing, reveals the stag...详情
经典好书《Luminous Night's Journey》读书内容简介:ourney, Almaas shares excerpts from his personal journal, which describe a certain thread in his own journey of realization...详情