经典好书《Lectures on Modern History (Dodo Press)》读书内容简介:教授,三一学院名誉成员。曾担任《漫谈者》主编,策划和主持编写了卷帙浩繁的《剑桥近代史》,身后留下了许多论文、笔记、演讲稿、短文、书信及个人思考的记录。阿克顿被当代的许多学者誉为“自由主义的预言家”。同历史上许多关注过自由的学者不一样的地方在于:阿克顿...详情
经典好书《Introduction to Hegel's Philosophy of History》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Global and Transnational History》读书内容简介:hange in the way history has been taught and written about during the last twenty years or so, apparent in the frequency with...详情
经典好书《Buddhism in Chinese History》读书内容简介:3-1976),20世纪中叶美国汉学研究的领军人物之一,与费正清同为美国汉学研究的奠基人。1947年获哈佛大学哲学博士学位,专攻佛教及隋唐史,曾任斯坦福大学及耶鲁大学教授。1951年与费正清等成立中国思想研究会,担任主席。他还是美国历史协会、美国亚洲...详情
经典好书《The Return of History》读书内容简介:逆行的趨勢,過往的幽魂似乎又將捲土重來!歷史的迴圈是否是無法掙脫?政治學者福山曾作出著名斷言,表示隨著冷戰落幕,共產與資本主義的鬥爭的終結也象徵人類歷史將走向自由與民主主義的開放社會,是「歷史的終結」。但時至今日,二十一世紀的世界並沒有...详情
经典好书《A Brief History of Seven Killings》读书内容简介: BOOKER PRIZE FOR FICTION From the acclaimed author of The Book of Night Women comes a masterfully written novel that explore...详情
经典好书《History of Photography in China 1842-1860》读书内容简介:e history of the earliest years of photography in China, combining previously unpublished research with over 150 photographs,...详情
经典好书《The Worlds of the Indian Ocean: A Global History》读书内容简介:ory is re-assessed in this first comprehensive history of the ancient world, centering on the Indian Ocean and its role in pr...详情
经典好书《A History of Pain》读书内容简介:rical atrocity in fiction, film, and popular culture can reveal much about the function of individual memory and the shifting...详情
经典好书《The History of the Calculus and Its Conceptual Development》读书内容简介:the development of both the integral and differential calculus. Early beginnings in antiquity, medieval contributions, and a ...详情