经典好书《Contributions to the Cultural History of Early Tibet》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Central Asia in World History》读书内容简介: Peter B. Golden is Professor Emeritus of History and Director of the Middle Eastern Studies Program, Rutgers University.作者简介详情
经典好书《Geography and World Power. A Text-book of Matriculation Standard, Illustrating the Geographic Control of History》读书内容简介:治学家、教育家。先后在阿伯里斯特维斯大学和牛津大学耶稣学院学习,曾长期担任中学地理教师,后任教于伦敦大学教育学院。主要从事人文地理学和地缘政治学的研究,深受英国著名地理学家哈尔福德‧麦金德的影响,代表作有《地理与世界霸权》《学校地理学》(Geogra...详情
经典好书《A History of Literary Criticism and Theory》读书内容简介: of literary criticism from antiquity to the present day. An overview of the major movements, figures and texts of literary c...详情
经典好书《American Business History: A Very Short Introduction》读书内容简介: century, it became common to describe the United States as a "business civilization." President Coolidge in 1925 said, "The ...详情
经典好书《Method for Easy Comprehension of History》读书内容简介:纪著名的人文主义思想家、法学家、政治学家、哲学家,被誉为“16世纪的亚里士多德、孟德斯鸠”。博丹的著述博大精深,涵盖政治学、法学、哲学、教育学、经济学、自然哲学、宗教、天文学等诸多领域。译者简介朱琦,四川外国语大学哲学系教...详情
经典好书《Order and History (Volume 4)》读书内容简介:c Voegelin's five-volume study of how human and divine order are intertwined and manifested in history, has been widely accla...详情
经典好书《Empires in World History》读书内容简介:of territories and people united by force and ambition - have dominated the political landscape for more than two millennia. ...详情
经典好书《History of Modern Art (7th Edition)》读书内容简介:ew – available in digital and print formatsHistory of Modern Art is a visual comprehensive overview of the modern art ...详情
经典好书《A History of Pictures》读书内容简介:欢迎的艺术家之一。他的作品几乎涵盖一切媒介,从油画、素描、舞台设计直到摄影和版画印刷。而且他在这些媒介上都有所拓展。他是畅销著作《隐秘的知识——重新发现西方绘画大师的失传技艺》的作者,该书同样由浙江人民美术出版社引进、出版。马丁·盖福德...详情