经典好书《The One Who is Standing Apart from Me》读书内容简介:ot),法国著名作家、思想家,1907年生于索恩-卢瓦尔,2003年逝世于巴黎。布朗肖一生行事低调,中年后不接受采访与摄影,但他的作品和思想影响了整个法国当代思想界,对法国许多大知识分子和大作家如乔治‧巴塔耶、列维纳斯、萨特、福柯、罗兰‧巴特、德里达...详情
经典好书《From Aristotle to Augustine》读书内容简介:ns with Aristotle's immense influence on philosophy from the beginnings of Christian philosophy in the fifth century AD.<...详情
经典好书《Lessons from Madame Chic》读书内容简介:ccess is now an attractively packaged gift book for Francophiles determined to achieve that certain je ne sais quoi that al...详情
经典好书《Transitions from Authoritarian Rule, Vol. 4》读书内容简介:ys appearing in the collection 'Transitions from Authoritarian rule'...will serve as reference points for students of redemoc...详情
经典好书《From Hegel to Nietzsche》读书内容简介:sic is one of the most important works on nineteenth-century philosophy and intellectual history, and a philosophical and cul...详情
经典好书《Cartes Postales from Greece》读书内容简介:lop)英国当代女作家。毕业于牛津大学,曾在出版、媒体行业工作,并于《星期日电讯报》《每日电讯报》开设专栏。2006年,长篇处女作《岛》甫一出版,即力压《哈利·波特》《达·芬奇密码》等,登上英国各大畅销书排行榜榜首。</p...详情
经典好书《Escape from Reason》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《The origin and principles of the American Revolution, compared with the origin and principles of the French Revolution. Translated from the German of ... by an American gentleman. Copy-right secured.》读书内容简介:tz, 1764—1832)根茨的母系出自流亡普鲁士的法兰西胡格诺派家庭,是普鲁士大臣弗雷德里希·安茨隆(Friedrich Ancillon)的亲戚。根茨辅佐促成了1815年维也纳会议的奥地利外交达成梅特涅亲王(Prince Mett...详情
经典好书《Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus》读书内容简介:ans and Venusians met, fell in love, and had happy relationships together because they respected and accepted their differenc...详情
经典好书《Ancient Buddhist Scrolls from Gandhara》读书内容简介:s have changed our understanding of Judaism and early Christianity, so a set of twenty-nine scrolls recently acquired by the ...详情