经典好书《Le Grand Cahier (French Edition)》读书内容简介:),1935年生于匈牙利的科泽格市(Köszeg),1956年匈牙利发生暴动,于是随夫婿避难至瑞士的纳沙泰尔市(Neuchâtel)定居至今。饱受烽火洗劫,尝尽思乡之苦的流亡生涯,孕育出雅歌塔作品中冷酷逼真、发人深省的特质。<p...详情
经典好书《Starting Electronics, Fourth Edition》读书内容简介:s unrivalled as a highly practical introduction for technicians, non-electronic engineers, software engineers, students, and ...详情
经典好书《Attack on Titan 17 Special Edition w/DVD》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Relato de un naúfrago (Vintage Espanol) (Spanish Edition)》读书内容简介:55 el destructor Caldas, que viajaba de Estados Unidos a Colombia, sufrió un accidente. Con la finalidad de rescatar a los ná...详情
经典好书《Practicing the Power of Now (EasyRead Large Bold Edition)》读书内容简介:出生於德國,曾於英國劍橋大學接受教育,是當代最重要的心靈導師與作者之一。二十九歲那年經歷一場深切的內在轉變,徹底改變了他的生命軌道。接下來幾年,他放下了所有關係、工作、身分,專注於讓這份轉變更深化、更完整。之後,他開始在倫敦擔任個人與團體的心靈導師。...详情
经典好书《Thinking in Java (3rd Edition)》读书内容简介: in Java - JavaWorld Editor's Choice Award for Best Book, 2001 JavaWorld Reader's Choice Award for Best Book, 2000 Software ...详情
经典好书《Kubernetes in Action, Second Edition》读书内容简介:Second Edition teaches you to use Kubernetes to deploy container-based distributed applications. You'll start with an overvie...详情
经典好书《The Haskell Road to Logic, Maths and Programming. Second Edition》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《An Introduction to Formal Language And Automata (4th edition)》读书内容简介: Fourth Edition of An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata provides an accessible, student-friendly presentation of ...详情
经典好书《Effective C++ Third Edition》读书内容简介:ctive C++的和没读过的。然而世界顶级C++大师Scott Meyers成名之作的第三版的确这样深入。或许有点夸张了,但无论如何,当您拥有这本书之后,就获得了迅速提升自己C++功力的一个契机。 在国际上﹐本书所引起的反响之大﹐波及整个计算器技...详情