经典好书《Custodians of the Scholar's Way》读书内容简介:n from Marcus Flacks examines and contextualizes more than two hundred masterpieces in wood, each of which was an element of ...详情
经典好书《The Brain's Way of Healing》读书内容简介:/p>医学博士,精神科医生、心理分析师,哥伦比亚大学心理分析训练和研究中心教授和研究员,多伦多大学精神医学系教授。在专业领域之外,他是一位畅销书作家、评论家和诗人。他曾4次获得加拿大国家杂志写作金奖(Canada's Nation...详情
经典好书《Patterns of the Hypnotic Techniques of Milton H. Erickson, M.D. Volume 1》读书内容简介:st in a series of studies of the patterns of hypnotic techniques employed by Milton H. Erickson. In this first volume, we hav...详情
经典好书《A Thousand Acres (Ballantine Reader's Circle)》读书内容简介:y Cook announces his intention to turn over his 1,000-acre farm--one of the largest in Zebulon County, Iowa--to his three dau...详情
经典好书《Vader's Little Princess》读书内容简介:unny follow-up to the breakout bestseller Darth Vader and Son, Vader—Sith Lord and leader of the Galactic Empire—now faces th...详情
经典好书《Montesquieu's Philosophy of Liberalism》读书内容简介:,又译潘格尔、潘高),美国当代著名政治哲学、法哲学家。美国德克萨斯州立大学奥斯汀分校人文学院教授、杰斐逊古典文献研修中心主人、施特劳斯学派第三代代表人物之一、施特劳斯学派东岸领军人物之一、加拿大皇家学院终身成员、德国巴伐利亚科学学会海森堡纪念讲席客座...详情
经典好书《Derrida's Of Grammatology》读书内容简介:rthur Bradley),英国兰卡斯特大学英语和创意写作系教授。其主要作品有《否定神学与现代法国哲学》(Negative Theology and Modern French Philosophy)、《导读德里达〈论文字学〉》(Derrida’s...详情
经典好书《Georgia O'Keeffe》读书内容简介:es presents engaging, up–to–date introductions to art’s modern masters. Compact, affordable, and beautifully produced, the bo...详情
经典好书《Charles Reid's Watercolor Secrets》读书内容简介:际水彩大师,画风清新洒脱,对于光影与色彩造诣深厚。生于美国纽约州,曾于佛蒙特大学与纽约艺术学生联盟修读艺术。他获奖无数,包括美国艺术与文学学院的柴尔德·哈萨姆收藏奖,以及美国国家设计学院、美国水彩协会颁发的众多奖项。雷德于1980年取得美国画家最高殊...详情
经典好书《A Room of One's Own》读书内容简介:me books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves and each other. They have inspired debate, di...详情