经典好书《Design by wangzhihong.com》读书内容简介:書的發想原點與構思過程,他想說的話、想做的事大都藏在這本書裡。「我在書籍設計中磨練技巧、尋找到方向,更重要的是建立起ㄧ個屬於自己的設計觀,展示在大眾面前。設計師時常會將名字標註在折口,我同樣也在折口的ㄧ角留下屬於自己的記號:Design by wan...详情
经典好书《The Life of Robert Owen Written by Himself》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《The Kingdom by the Sea》读书内容简介:living as an American in London, Theroux set out to travel clockwise around the coast of Great Britain to find out what the B...详情
经典好书《Oedipus the King, Tr. Into Engl. Verse by E.D.A. Morshead》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
By the Book 书籍
经典好书《By the Book》读书内容简介:of The New York Times Book Review turn with anticipation to see which novelist, historian, short story writer, or artist will...详情
经典好书《Guardians of the Galaxy by Abnett & Lanning》读书内容简介: universe torn, all that stands between us and invading horrors is a team of cosmic misfits. Led by Star-Lord, the newly-mint...详情
经典好书《The origin and principles of the American Revolution, compared with the origin and principles of the French Revolution. Translated from the German of ... by an American gentleman. Copy-right secured.》读书内容简介:tz, 1764—1832)根茨的母系出自流亡普鲁士的法兰西胡格诺派家庭,是普鲁士大臣弗雷德里希·安茨隆(Friedrich Ancillon)的亲戚。根茨辅佐促成了1815年维也纳会议的奥地利外交达成梅特涅亲王(Prince Mett...详情
经典好书《Sleeping by the Mississippi》读书内容简介:行中,拍下的美国有代表性但却常被忽视的“第三海岸”。索斯的大幅彩色作品极富描述性,拍摄的对象有人物、风景和房屋内部。主题是粗旷自然,细节却富纤细美感,全系列被孤独、渴求、幻想的气氛所包围。策展人安妮·威尔克斯·塔克写道,“索斯的作品涵盖了众多主题:疾...详情
经典好书《'noh'; Or Accomplishment, a Study of the Classical Stage of Japan. by Ernest Fenollosa and Ezra Pound》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Government by the People》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情