经典好书《Guess How Much I Love You》读书内容简介:),1945年出生于爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特。他在爱尔兰的著名学府都柏林主日学院求学多年原本只是位教师,却在为患有阅读障碍的学生创作故事的同时,喜爱上了故事里丰富的想象力,进而陆续创作了数十本童书,包括JUST ONE!、《你们都是我的最爱》以及全球销售超...详情
经典好书《What Belongs to You》读书内容简介:m autumn day, an American teacher enters a public bathroom beneath Sofia’s National Palace of Culture. There he meets Mitko, ...详情
经典好书《《为你疯狂》(Crazy For You)VOL01》读书内容简介:谊中,认识了名叫"阿幸"的男生,17年来从没交过男朋友的记录终于即将划下句点?不停歇的恋爱感觉.=======================================书后的简介。。。。比较简单是个非常...详情
经典好书《Call If You Need Me》读书内容简介:后美国最伟大的短篇小说家,被尊为简约派文学典范。人生的前一半充满了苦难与失望。失业,酗酒,破产,妻离子散,友人背弃,坠入人生之谷底。晚年文学声名渐高,却罹患肺癌,五十岁便英年早逝。卡佛致力于描绘美国的蓝领生活,是写失败者的失败者,写酒鬼的酒鬼,生活的...详情
经典好书《Call If You Need Me》读书内容简介: 1988, Raymond Carver had just published what were thought to be his last stories in the collection entitled Elephant and his...详情
经典好书《Call If You Need Me》读书内容简介:ES ORIGINALA literary event: Raymond Carver's complete uncollected fiction and nonfiction, including the recently disc...详情
经典好书《There's Nothing I Can Do When I Think of You Late at Night》读书内容简介:ster of cave dwellings in Shanxi province, There's Nothing I Can Do When I Think of You Late at Night is a genre-defying exp...详情
经典好书《Will you please be quiet, please?》读书内容简介:et, Please?, published in 1976, was the first short-story collection by American writer Raymond Carver. This minimalist colle...详情
经典好书《Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?》读书内容简介:家,被尊为简约派文学典范。人生的前一半充满了苦难与失望。失业,酗酒,破产,妻离子散,友人背弃,坠入人生之谷底。晚年文学声名渐高,却罹患肺癌,五十岁便英年早逝。卡佛致力于描绘美国的蓝领生活,是写失败者的失败者,写酒鬼的酒鬼,生活的变质和走投无路后的无望...详情
经典好书《Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?》读书内容简介:moir, Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal?, Winterson returns to the source, her grim girlhood in a sooty English industria...详情