经典好书《When the Air Hits Your Brain》读书内容简介:and humour, "When the Air Hits Your Brain" chronicles a man's evolution from naive and ambitious young houseman to world-clas...详情
经典好书《How to Change Your Mind》读书内容简介:author of seven books, including Cooked: The Natural History of Transformation, Food Rules, In Defense of Food, and The Omniv...详情
经典好书《Your Self-Confident Baby》读书内容简介: Gerber′s wisdom and spice captured in a book ––what a treasure! Now parents and caregivers everywhere can benefit from learn...详情
经典好书《Welcome to Your Child's Brain》读书内容简介:one of the most enduring mysteries-and difficulties-encountered by parents. In an effort to raise our children smarter, happi...详情
经典好书《Stories of Your Life and Others》读书内容简介:美国纽约州杰斐逊港,1989年毕业于布朗大学,获得计算机科学学士学位,现为一名自由职业者,为计算机程序撰写文档。少年时代起,特德就开始接触科幻小说,并尝试创作,向杂志投稿。从“号角”科幻写作班毕业后,特德·蒋因处女作《巴比伦塔》一炮而红,荣获1990...详情
经典好书《This is Your Brain on Music Understanding a Human Obsession》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Close your last door 01》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《MY HOME YOUR ONE ROOM》读书内容简介:。為了回報柳的恩情,武井幫他做了許多雜事,其他同學都覺得他們兩人的關係很奇怪。有一天,武井帶喝的爛醉的兩名同學回到柳的住處,結果引來柳的不滿,坦白說出他對武井懷抱的特殊感情。武井雖然感到困惑,但是並不想跟柳分開,於是他努力試著去釐清兩人之間「喜歡」的...详情
经典好书《MY HOME YOUR ONEROOM》读书内容简介:>〝大学近いから〟…それだけの理由で後輩・柳のアパートを第二の家にしていた武井は、お礼代わりに遅刻魔の柳を叩き起こし、飯を食わせ、大学に送り出す役目を買って出ていた。友人たちは自分と柳の関係性を変だというし「柳がお前を好きすぎるんだよ」...详情
经典好书《Upgrade Your Life》读书内容简介:r Windows user, there are tricks here for you in this helpful resource. You?ll feast on this buffet of new shortcuts to make ...详情