经典好书《Can't Fear Your Own World 3》读书内容简介:彌代時灘と彦禰の圧倒的な戦力。尸魂界と霊王の真実が明かされ、時灘の謀が全貌を現す。そして戦いの中、九番隊副隊長・檜佐木修兵は知る。己の斬魄刀の真の力を、その名の意味を。"死"を司る刃は巡る因果を断つことができるのか。更木剣八、グリムジョー、銀城など各...详情
经典好书《The Art of War in the Western World》读书内容简介:e of America's most respected military historians, "The Art of War in the Western World" has earned its place as the standard...详情
经典好书《A World of Regions》读书内容简介: shift in world politics since the end of the Cold War, Peter J. Katzenstein argues that regions have become critical to cont...详情
经典好书《Historical Dictionary of Hume’s Philosophy, Second Edition》读书内容简介:Hume was born in Edinburgh, Scotland on April 26, 1711. Known for his re-thinking of causation, morality, and religion, Hume ...详情
经典好书《A Historical Geography of China》读书内容简介:于天津,后移民澳大利亚,先进入牛津大学,后在加州大学伯克利分校获得地理学博士学位,曾先后在新墨西哥州大学、多伦多大学、明尼苏达大学和威斯康星-麦迪逊大学任教。 段义孚是公认的当代最重要的地理学家之一,尤其是作为 humanistic geograph...详情
经典好书《Ordering the World》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Ming and Qing Historical Studies in the People's Republic of China》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《Mapping China and Managing the World》读书内容简介:he Qin dynasty in 221 BCE to the present, the Chinese have been preoccupied with the concept of order (zhi). This cultural pr...详情
经典好书《The Greek World 479-323BC》读书内容简介:,曾担任过伦敦大学学院古典学教授和古代史的格罗特教授席位。他是英国社会科学院的院士,在希腊史和古典文明方面的著述颇丰,其中三卷本的《休昔底德注疏》(1999-2008)较有影响。他现在正在撰写希罗多德的《历史》第五卷和第六卷的注疏以及吕哥弗隆《亚历山...详情
经典好书《The World Is Flat》读书内容简介:book, the award-winning New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman demystifies the brave new world for readers, allowing them t...详情