经典好书《The Poker Face of Wall Street》读书内容简介:oker and modern finance and the theory behind these "games" clash head on. In both worlds, real risk means real money is ma...详情
经典好书《The Mind of Wall Street》读书内容简介:stock market, but few of us understand how it really works. This book explains the hidden dynamics of Wall Street, and its me...详情
经典好书《Understanding Wall Street, Fifth Edition》读书内容简介:n of theINVESTING CLASSIC For over 30 years this comprehensive, easy-to-read guide has served well as thedefinitive referenc...详情
Jeff Wall 书籍
经典好书《Jeff Wall》读书内容简介:1946 in Vancouver, Canada, where he still lives and works. He has practised photography since the 1960s. He has been widely e...详情
经典好书《A Random Walk Down Wall Street》读书内容简介:eller, revised and updated with new investment strategies for retirement and the most current research into behavioral financ...详情
Jeff Wall 书籍
经典好书《Jeff Wall》读书内容简介:e Raisonné traces the gradual evolution of Wall’s pictorial concept. In an allusion to Charles Baudelaire’s dictum on Manet, ...详情
经典好书《A Random Walk Down Wall Street - The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing》读书内容简介: 伯顿·马尔基尔,美国著名经济学教授,畅销书《漫步华尔街》的作者。曾任美国总统经济顾问理事会会员,耶鲁大学管理学院院长,普林斯顿大学经济学系主任,以及多家世界500强企业董事会董事。作者简介详情
经典好书《Behind the Wall: The Inner Life of Communist Germany》读书内容简介:n the former East Germany, recalls the Communist-ruled society of his country as a system of continuous coercion, manipulatio...详情
经典好书《Binu and the Great Wall (Canongate Myths)》读书内容简介:范大学中文系。1983年开始发表小说,出版了中短篇小说集《妻妾成群》、《伤心的舞蹈》、《妇女乐园》、《红粉》等,长篇小说《米》《我的帝王生涯》、《武则天》、《城北地带》等。小说《米》《红粉》先后被搬上银幕,《妻妾成群》被张艺谋改编成《大红灯笼高高挂》...详情
经典好书《Wall and Piece》读书内容简介:一官方作品集Banksy改變了藝術的定義。他是創作天才,作品屢屢震驚世人,令全球為之瘋狂、媒體及好萊塢明星趨之若鶩,但本人卻從不公開露面,連真名都是個謎。他是惡名昭彰的塗鴉創作者,讓塗鴉成為藝術品,卻仍執著於...详情