经典好书《To Wake the Dead》读书内容简介:p>史上最伟大的推理小说作家之一,举世公认的“密室推理之王”。其小说素以公平著称,线索隐蔽,解答惊人,具有超乎寻常的逻辑性、趣味性。他一生共设计了超过五十种密室,几乎每个都是构思精巧、无以复加;又兼其小说一贯具有的浓郁哥特风格,以及其谋篇布局的...详情
UP! 书籍
经典好书《UP!》读书内容简介: 梦想是什么?平凡的生活,还是远方的壮阔?爱冒险的男孩长成了赌气小老头,和意外闯入的童子军小胖乘着用生命守护的“气球屋”完成最华丽的冒险,这是最疯狂也是最浪漫的故事。作者简介详情
经典好书《Prometheus: Up & Running》读书内容简介:rometheus, the metrics-based monitoring system used by tens of thousands of organizations in production. This practical guide...详情
经典好书《Start-up Nation》读书内容简介: in start-ups, particularly in the tech sector, and Senor and Singer explain why in this compelling book. Among the reasons: ...详情
经典好书《Keeping Up with the Quants》读书内容简介:" for managers: How to develop basic analytical skills and be a more informed consumer of data. We're moving beyond the infor...详情
Picking Up 书籍
经典好书《Picking Up》读书内容简介: 罗宾·内葛(Robin Nagle)自2006年起,任纽约市清洁部人类学家。她是纽约大学人类学与城市研究的临床教学副教授,负责人文学科与社会思想专业的德雷珀跨学科硕士项目。作者简介详情
经典好书《Growing Up Bin Laden Osama's Wife and Son Take Us Inside Their Secret World》读书内容简介:en),奥萨玛·本·拉登的首位妻子,同时也是本·拉登的表妹。出生于叙利亚,1974年嫁给时年17岁的拉登。为拉登育有11子,其中萨德·本·拉登据传是基地组织的活跃人物,2009年7月份有媒体报道说萨德死于年初美军的炮火中。奥玛·本·拉登...详情
经典好书《In the Wake of the Crisis》读书内容简介:onal Monetary Fund invited prominent economists and economic policy makers to consider the brave new world of the post-crisis...详情
经典好书《In the Wake of the Mongols》读书内容简介: north China between 1211 and 1234 inflicted terrible wartime destruction, wiping out more than one-third of the population a...详情
All Shook Up 书籍
经典好书《All Shook Up》读书内容简介:oll ignited a firestorm of controversy--one critic called it "musical riots put to a switchblade beat"--but if it generated m...详情