经典好书《A School for Fools》读书内容简介:说家暨诗人,20世纪俄国文学最重要的作家之一。索科洛夫1943年出生于加拿大渥太华,在莫斯科长大并接受教育,曾做过记者、煤矿工人、夜班警卫和实验室助理等。他的代表作包括《愚人学校》《狗与狼之间》《帕利桑利亚(恐天象症)》等。其中,《愚人学校》是俄罗斯...详情
经典好书《Markets Don't Fail!》读书内容简介:rary economics textbooks that have been written there is typically at least one chapter that addresses 'market failure.' Mark...详情
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经典好书《A Vindication of the Rights of Woman》读书内容简介:ights of Woman is one of the trailblazing works of feminism. Published in 1792, Wollstonecraft’s work argued that the educati...详情
经典好书《A Dissertation On Oriental Gardening》读书内容简介:hambers, 1723-96)出身蘇格蘭家族,生於瑞典,為18世紀英國之古典主義建築師,一生除了正規建築業務與著述,早年曾任職瑞屬東印度公司,隨其商船兩度造訪廣東,目睹中國建築與園林,做圖文紀錄,在法、義受建築專業訓練與養成之後回英...详情
经典好书《A Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Science, 4th Edition》读书内容简介:ing to the subject for the first time, this stimulating introduction offers a historical exposition of differing views on the...详情
经典好书《A History of Literary Criticism and Theory》读书内容简介: of literary criticism from antiquity to the present day. An overview of the major movements, figures and texts of literary c...详情
经典好书《Being a Writer》读书内容简介:s of being a writer are explored in this inspiring assemblage of wit, wisdom and hard-won practical advice from some of the w...详情