电视剧【There';s...Johnny!Season1剧情介绍】剧情介绍: Young Andy becomes a gofer at "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson" circa 1972.详情
经典好书《And Then There Were None》读书内容简介:tly with little in common, are lured to an island mansion off the coast of Devon by the mysterious U.N.Owen. Over dinner, a r...详情
经典好书《I'll Take You There》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《There Is Simply Too Much to Think About》读书内容简介:w,1915-2005美国犹太裔作家。生于加拿大魁北克省的拉辛,在蒙特利尔度过童年。1924年,举家迁至美国芝加哥。1933年,贝娄考入芝加哥大学。两年后,转入伊利诺伊州埃文斯顿的西北大学,获得社会学和人类学学士学位。同年,赴威斯康星大...详情
经典好书《Neither Here Nor There》读书内容简介:ation, Bill Bryson backpacked across Europe in the early seventies -- in search of enlightenment, beer, and women. Twenty yea...详情
经典好书《Will You Be There?》读书内容简介:n time what would you do differently? What mistakes would you correct? For Eliott there is no doubt in his mind. To all appea...详情
经典好书《Will You be There?》读书内容简介:),生于一九七四年的法国新锐作家。少时即钟情写作,并立志成为小说家。米索九十年代赴纽约游历,靠在街头贩卖冰淇淋贴补旅费。这段波西米亚式的生活深刻影响了其日后的创作。米索二○○一年登上文坛,代表作《后来》(ET APRES…)在法国的销售已逾百万册,其...详情
经典好书《Deco Room with Plants here and thereー植物とくらす。部屋に、街に、グリーン・インテリア&スタイリング》读书内容简介:植美学运动的开创者。擅长用植物布置富有美感的空间,将植物与装置艺术相结合,打造出具有野趣的风格,展现植物原本的自然美和经过时间流逝后形成的衰败之美。曾多次在世界各地举办过关于植物装置的展览,还经营着名为“绿手指(GREEN...详情