Text Mining 书籍
经典好书《Text Mining》读书内容简介:ons and Theory presents the state-of-the-art algorithms for text mining from both the academic and industrial perspectives. ...详情
经典好书《The Economist Book of isms》读书内容简介:cise and informative explanations of the "isms" that have shaped our history and continue to shape our world.Entries i...详情
经典好书《成宮寛貴写真集 Hiroki Narimiya Anniversary Book 10》读书内容简介:冊!10年7月1日にデビュー10周年をむかえる成宮寛貴のメモリアルブック。写真集パートではセミヌードはじめ、彼にしか表現できないショットが満載!2万字超ロングインタビューほか小栗旬らのSPメッセージも収録!作者简介...详情
经典好书《玉木宏PHOTO BOOK》读书内容简介:う」初めて知る玉木宏の“COLOR"がここに!!シンガポールと京都で見せた知られざる素顔。いまの本音を語り尽くした衝撃の超ロングインタビュー。自らのカメラで撮影した秘蔵PHOTO作品集、一挙初公開! すべてが1冊に詰まった...详情
经典好书《ami book (単行本)》读书内容简介: 鈴木あみから鈴木亜美へ。最新映像で語る2年半ぶりの真実のメッセージ。作者简介详情
经典好书《How to Find Love in a Book Shop》读书内容简介:)英国剧作家,小说家,记者。目前与家人生活在英国德文郡。曾在BBC、ITV工作,参与《弓箭手》(The Archers)《心跳》(Heartbeat)《霍尔比市》(Holby City)等电视剧的剧本创作。小...详情
经典好书《The Natural History Book》读书内容简介: lived in Cambridge, Ontario all her life. She was raised in a rural setting on the edge of Hespeler. Teaching was her passio...详情
经典好书《Shakespeare and the Book》读书内容简介:tative account of Shakespeare's plays as they were transformed from scripts to be performed into books to be read, and eventu...详情
经典好书《The Layout Book》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《The Adobe Illustrator CS3 Wow! Book》读书内容简介:lor book on mastering Adobe Illustrator - now fully updated for Illustrator CS3 For years, Sharon Steuer and her internation...详情