经典好书《Why Didn't They Ask Evans?》读书内容简介:obby Jones goes to retrieve his wayward golf ball at the bottom of a cliff, he little expects that he will find a dying man t...详情
机器猫 哆啦A梦8 书籍
经典好书《机器猫 哆啦A梦8》读书内容简介:漫!本漫画主要讲述了机器猫哆啦A梦和他的朋友——大雄、大虎、小夫、静香,靠一些神奇的机器游历了各式各样的有趣而又惊险地方的传奇故事。机智、幽默、可爱的哆啦A梦再一次给小朋友们带来了新奇的故事和丰富的知识!本书是其双语版本的第8册,让小朋友们在了解哆啦...详情
经典好书《藤子・F・不二雄大全集 多啦A夢 01》读书内容简介: 一口氣重溫「多啦A夢」全作,欣賞從未在單行本登場的新故事!作者简介详情
机器猫 哆啦A梦42 书籍
经典好书《机器猫 哆啦A梦42》读书内容简介:当”的非常有趣的动画故事集。本册是其中之一。小朋友们不要错过哟! 您想不想有个无所不能、挥之即来的超人朋友呢?日本经典漫画哆啦A梦全新登场!机智、聪明、可爱的哆啦A梦(小叮当)又给我们带来了许多新鲜和奇特的故事!在这里,哆啦A梦将引领我们进入一个极富...详情
经典好书《A Path Twice Traveled》读书内容简介:. Cohen, one of the West’s preeminent historians of China, traces the development of his work from its inception in the early...详情
经典好书《A History of Byzantium》读书内容简介: narrative of Byzantine history from the time of Constantine the Great (AD 306) to the fall of Constantinople in 1453. It arg...详情
经典好书《A Greek Roman Empire》读书内容简介:he fifth century, the Latin-speaking part of the Roman Empire suffered vast losses of territory to barbarian invaders. But in...详情
经典好书《A Behavioral Approach to Asset Pricing (Academic Press Advanced Finance Series)》读书内容简介:列维商学院的金融学Mario Belotti讲座教授。他是当前世界上从事行为金融研究的顶尖学者之一,在这个领域内,他发表了大量原创性的研究。他的文章见诸于《金融学期刊》、《金融经济学期刊》、《金融研究评论》、《金融和数量分析期刊》、《金...详情
经典好书《An Introduction to Analysis of Financial Data with R》读书内容简介:ystematic and mathematically accessible introduction to financial econometric models and their applications in modeling and p...详情
经典好书《A Strange And Sublime Address》读书内容简介:n in Calcutta in 1962, and grew up in Bombay. He read English at University College, London, where he took his BA with First ...详情