经典好书《Yesterday, yes a day》读书内容简介:梅竹馬多喜二,突然回到春野小麥居住的村子裡。因為母親正在住院而感到寂寞的小麥和與家人分開住的多喜二,他們兩個人就像孩提時代那樣越來越常在一起…… 是一部又像友情、又像愛情,微妙季節的青春日記♥(一集完)作者简介岩本ナオ(中...详情
日剧3年A班从现在起大家都是人质 电视剧
经典好书《K SIDE:BLUE》读书内容简介:セプター4”。その屯所の一角にある半ば忘れられた資料室に、重厚な肉体をもつ隻腕の男—善条剛毅がいる。ただならぬ気配を放つ彼は、前“青の王”時代からの古株で抜刀術の達人だという。人気のない深夜の道場で、新米隊員の楠原剛に剣を教える善条。そこへ、室長・宗...详情
经典好书《《There's a dark dark wood inside my head》》读书内容简介:dreaming is that you don’t really need to wait for it to come true,just go through life imaging it, hoping it, wanting...详情
超长篇机器猫哆啦A梦13 书籍
经典好书《超长篇机器猫哆啦A梦13》读书内容简介: 这是一本适宜于对幼儿进行启蒙教育的彩色绘画本教材,全书以生动有趣的形象,简明扼要的文字,向孩子们介绍了关于的知识。作者简介详情
经典好书《Can't and Won't》读书内容简介:hor of one novel and seven story collections, the most recent of which was a finalist for the 2007 National Book Award. She i...详情
经典好书《Alcohol: A History》读书内容简介: or spirits, alcohol has had a constant and often controversial role in social life. In his innovative book on the attitudes ...详情
经典好书《A Tale of Two Cultures》读书内容简介:ences argue that the same logic applies to both qualitative and quantitative methods. In "A Tale of Two Cultures", Gary Goert...详情
经典好书《Stranger in a Strange Land》读书内容简介:of an earthling, Valentine Michael Smith, born and educated on Mars, who arrives on our planet with many psi powers, includin...详情
经典好书《Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair》读书内容简介:g poet’s most popular work When it appeared in 1924, this work launched into the international spotlight a young and unkn...详情