经典好书《A Song of Ice and Fire – A Game of Thrones》读书内容简介:e hugely popular and highly acclaimed epic fantasy series, A Song of Ice and Fire. There is passion here, and misery and char...详情
经典好书《Pan Tadeusz; Or the Last Foray in Lithuania; A Story of Life Among Polish Gentlefolk in the Years 1811 and 1812》读书内容简介:cz),波兰民族诗人,也是十九世纪最伟大的诗人之一。1798年生于立陶宛一个破落贵族家庭,进入维尔诺大学后组织并领导爱学社和爱德社,争取波兰的民族解放,之后经历了逮捕、监禁、五年的流放和二十六年的流亡,1855年因染瘟疫卒于土 耳其的君士坦丁堡。</...详情
经典好书《A Mirror in the Roadway》读书内容简介: The Red and the Black, the French writer Stendhal described the novel as a mirror being carried along a roadway. In the twen...详情
经典好书《How We Know What Isn't So》读书内容简介:lovich),美国康奈尔大学心理学教授,同时担任该校行为经济学与决策研究中心联合主任,在行为经济学和社会心理学领域享有盛名,被称为“完美学者”。他与行为经济学鼻祖阿莫斯•特沃斯基以及诺贝尔奖获得者丹尼尔•卡尼曼长期合作,研究了“热手效应”等为人深信...详情
经典好书《A Case of Conscience》读书内容简介: a dedicated man--a priest who is also a scientist, and a scientist who is also a human being. He has found no insoluble conf...详情
经典好书《A History of the World in 100 Objects》读书内容简介:rld in 100 Objects, Neal MacGregor, director of the British Museum, takes readers on a tour of the world by way of its materi...详情
股票K线战法 书籍
经典好书《股票K线战法》读书内容简介:西方金融界引进了一套强有力的金融市场分析工具--“日本K线图”,被西方誉为“K线分析之父”,本书是他的另一部力作。 本书第一次向西方金融界揭示了使日本投资人长期以来一直具有强大的竞争能力的4种股票技术分析手段,破解了日本金融投资人的秘密。展示了蜡烛图...详情
经典好书《Constructing a Security Community in Southeast Asia》读书内容简介: "Constructing a Security Community in Southeast Asia" takes the excellent framework from Acharya's first edition and brings ...详情
经典好书《How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python》读书内容简介:Computer Scientist"" is an introduction to programming using Python, one of the best languages for beginners. This is a Free ...详情