经典好书《Theory of Fun for Game Design》读书内容简介:在线娱乐公司首席创意官。曾担纲著名多人在线游戏《网络创世纪》和《网络创世纪:次世代》的主创意师和主设计师,并在《星球大战网络版》中担任创意总监,被游戏业公认为当今最富思想性的设计大师。
经典好书《Political Game Theory》读书内容简介:is a self-contained introduction to game theory and its applications to political science. The book presents choice theory, s...详情
经典好书《Optimization Theory and Methods》读书内容简介:d Methods can be used as a textbook for an optimization course for graduates and senior undergraduates. It is the result of t...详情
经典好书《Galois Theory》读书内容简介:ents of one of the most penetrating concepts in modern mathematics include discussions of fields, vector spaces, homogeneous ...详情
经典好书《The Theory of Political Coalitions》读书内容简介:, 1920-1993)1920年生於美國愛荷華州,1942年於印第安那州迪堡大學(DePauw University)取得經濟學學士學位,並於1948年於哈佛大學政治系取得博士學位。1962年,在擔任威斯康辛州的勞倫斯大學(Lawre...详情
经典好书《The Theory of Economic Development》读书内容简介:0),美籍奥地利人,西方现代著名经济学家,资产阶级经济学代表人物之一。《经济发展理论》一书是熊彼特早期成名作。在书中,他以“创新理论”解释了资本主义的本质特征,从而闻名于资产阶级经济学界,影响颇大。熊彼特的其他著作有《资本主义、社会主义和民主主义》、...详情
经典好书《A Primer in Game Theory》读书内容简介:tionized economics research and teaching during the past two decades. There are few undergraduate or graduate courses in whic...详情
经典好书《Theory of Democracy Revisited》读书内容简介:ovanni Sartori), 当代著名政治思想家。1924年出生于佛罗伦萨,1946年取得佛罗伦萨大学哲学博士学位,毕业后即留校任教。1976年接任阿尔蒙德的职位任斯坦福大学专职教授,后任哥伦比亚大学阿尔伯特-史维泽人文科学讲座教授。研究领域广及...详情
经典好书《Contemporary Debates in Moral Theory (Contemporary Debates in Philosophy)》读书内容简介:n Moral Theory features pairs of newly commissioned essays by some of the leading theorists working in the field today. ...详情
经典好书《A Theory of Justice》读书内容简介: a widely-read book of political and moral philosophy by John Rawls. It was originally published in 1971 and revised in both ...详情