经典好书《A Storm of Swords》读书内容简介:a tale as gripping, or one as likely to seize the minds and hearts of a generation, as George R. R. Martin's epic high fantas...详情
经典好书《A Storm of Swords》读书内容简介:me in George R. R. Martin's magnificent cycle of novels that includes A Game of Thrones and A Clash of Kings. As a whole, thi...详情
经典好书《Knives and Swords》读书内容简介: gladius of the Roman Legionary or the North American Bowie knife, Knives and Swords looks at more than three hundred of th...详情
经典好书《Sky of Swords》读书内容简介:生於蘇格蘭。與妻子珍娜於1969年結婚,育有一兒兩女,目前定居於維多利亞州。在投入寫作前,他曾經是一位地質學者。自從發現幻想的世界可以滿足許多現實世界無法成就的願望時,他便全心投入寫作的領域,截止目前為止,作品已經超作30本,其中大部分是奇幻作...详情
经典好书《A Storm of Swords》读书内容简介: into two books for the paperback, the third volume in George R.R. Martin's superb and highly acclaimed epic fantasy A Song o...详情
影片剧情摘要:练十载铸成日月追风刀。辽兵入侵中原,孟瑶池将此刀献于大将军孟良,孟良持日月追风刀转战沙场、屡建奇功,辽兵惊惶相传,谓之“神刀”。 孟良战死沙场,神刀也下落不明,至明成祖年间再现江湖,藩王闻此消息,派麾下武功高强者潜入中原抢夺神刀。</...详情