By Nightfall 书籍
经典好书《By Nightfall》读书内容简介:is: mid-forties denizens of Manhattan’s SoHo, nearing the apogee of committed careers in the artshe a dealer, she an editor. ...详情
经典好书《Not by Chance Alone》读书内容简介:financially and intellectually impoverished background grow up to become a Harvard researcher, win international acclaim for ...详情
经典好书《Assembly Language Step-By-Step, 3rd》读书内容简介:plete, accessible picture of the internal operations of PCs, presenting a systematic approach to the process of writing, test...详情
经典好书《The Chinese classics, tr. into English, with preliminary essays and explanatory notes ... by James Legge ...》读书内容简介: 作者简介详情
经典好书《A course of pure mathematics, by G.H. Hardy.》读书内容简介:)英国数学界和英国分析学派的领袖,享誉世界的数学大师,在数论和分析学方面有着巨大的贡献和深远影响。培养和指导了众多数学大家, 其中包括印度数学奇才拉马努金和我国数学家华罗庚等。其他著作有《数论导引》、《不等式》和《一个数学家的自白》等。...详情
经典好书《Specification by Example》读书内容简介:by Example is an emerging practice for creating software based on realistic examples, bridging the communication gap between ...详情
经典好书《Call Me by Your Name》读书内容简介:able Book of the YearA "Publishers Weekly" Best Book of the YearA "Washington Post" Best Fiction Book of the YearA "New York"...详情
Inch by Inch 书籍
经典好书《Inch by Inch》读书内容简介:国际知名杰出设计家、艺术家、图画作家。1910年生于荷兰,受教于意大利,获经济学博士,1939年移民美国,1999年辞世。50岁时出版第一本图画故事书,那时他已经做祖父了。他的作品风格独特,文字简约、干净,内容意义层次多而丰富,插画暗含马谛斯、克利尔...详情
经典好书《STEP WISE STEP》读书内容简介:喜多見。いつまでもこんな距離感でいられることが幸せだと思っていたワカは、きぃの突然の「友達やめていい?」発言にパニックになる。悩むワカにきぃは…!?2人の良き相談相手、赤坂くんの密かな恋、ほか 男子高校生の日...详情
经典好书《Not by Genes Alone》读书内容简介:anomaly in the natural world. While we are similar to other mammals in many ways, our behavior sets us apart. Our unparallele...详情